Dinar Recaps - Our Blog: PTR CALL NOTES BY DEBTARHEELGIRL - Post By Highhopes PTR Forum

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Jan 13th 2012, 22:35

_  Friday 1-13-2012 TONY on PTR call 3PM    By Debtarheelgirl


TONY STATES- RE MALIKI -I personally do NOT think this will stop this from happening… I am NOT hearing this will be effected - just the opposite, screens are going off and gone too far and ONE man OR ANY man will NOT control a global economy.

TONY STATES – no difference from last night – any hour or minute it is in motion RIGHT NOW hope to be completed before the weekend is over and before the day is over- we do KNOW what is being said, designed and accomplished right now

TONY.STATES - ALL I KNOW is GOOD and Friday the 13th is still a great day in my mind – If It does not happen right now I know what I am being told as the resources all say separately at different times what they are hearing and docs I have seen this RV is on its way….Hopefully that is the last time I have to say that ever…

GARY STATES - Mr S is in a situation where he has said unless Mr. M is not cooperating he could hold this back… that is being corrected right now and if so we are right on top of this thing

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_GARY STATES - We feel that this will continue to move forward and we should see evidence of the RV around Monday – so when we are not sure but LOTS OF POSTIVE THINGS are happening and we are in the ball park – everyone is pushing to get this

TONYSTATES - THE info I am getting is saying that THIS IS IT and we are right there at this RV – the crew that went over there in the last 48 hours which THEY DID they were not sent over there for this NOT to happen…

TONY STATES - gossip came up about Obama wanting this to RV in March - so if that was real then why did those that went over there for the photo op this week take place & signing take place & why are banks getting info & getting ready so that was SMOKE

TONY STATES – I believe they will go ahead and do the RV first and then move on what they need to do with issue with Maliki so the country can go on about their business and be happy…

TONY STATES – They still say everything is GO – this RV has not stopped and the FOREX, BANK, FINANCE people and GOV people are saying everything is still a go and this is still going to happen…I'm going to be honest. Its Friday night and I'm going to be enjoying myself.

TONY STATES we heard that it did happen in Iraq last night now moving from east to west and I be honest - I have heard the crazy rate numbers I have heard them talk about – It could be true as some folks got calls by bankers to tell them the rate…we need the higher numbers to save our economy – I hope the rates are what I am hearing…

CALLER ASKS – speculation on the Dong Rate please?

TONYSTATES is $.05 or above according to the sources is what I am told.GARYSTATES - When we got info of issues going on in Iraq, question was would those cause this to stop. Tony shared, its in the system, all are ready to go. We're waiting for the man with his finger on the button to push it,

GARYSTATES - We agree that we're very close. Believe its already been released. Just trying to see if there's anything that can delay it.

TONYSTATES - Normally, the United Nations changes to operational rates come out on first and fifteenth. TODAY there are saying that there are NO UPDATES – NO CHANGES- Can you believe that? If that's not a smoking gun, I don't know what it is!

TONY STATERS - Forex, stock markets--no body's currency didn't change??? Have we ever seen that before. NO country around the world, not 1/10th of a change?

TONYSTATES – the UN posting are holding off posting rates for something. Don't think they can have those meetings this Sunday with China about the new global economy without an RV??? This could all be smoke today. Look what China put out the day before they RV'd. Their PM got killed.

TONY STATES - there is a reason we are getting negative news from Iraq, ESPECIALLY TODAY – they are pushing this on ok… hope for the good and enjoy this day and look forward to this weekend and the RV… hopefully we may be back today if not we may come on tomorrow to state where we are at…

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