Delete the zeros depends on control of the Central Bank of the dinar exchange rate

Parliamentary Finance: Delete the zeros depends on control of the Central Bank of the dinar exchange rate
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Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed that the implementation of the project to delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency and restructuring depends on the extent of control and control of the Central Bank of the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar, as called for adoption of a new monetary policies before the implementation of the project.
A member of the Finance Committee Najiba Najib said that "the project to delete the zeros and the restructuring of the currency made by the central bank depends on the extent of implementation of control and control of the Iraqi dinar exchange rate against the dollar." 

Najib said that "the central bank and government in the event will allow them to take action and contribute to a new monetary policy to control exchange rates Aldenarabraghi against the dollar, they will be able to Alghaealterat and start deleting the zeros and re Hiklhalamlh." Ended 2
Updating :: 25/05/2012 13:30 

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    And Integrity Committee announced it had agreed with the Parliamentary Secretariat of the Council of Ministers on the survival of the work of offices of inspectors Alamomcin cancel the decision and their solution.

    A source in the office of the coordinating office for Muftchisen Alamomcin (news center for the Iraqi Media Network) that "the offices of inspectors Alamomcin recovered 3 billion dinars and 111 million dollars within the budget in 2011."

    He explained that "the money recovered after the ministers agreed to implement the recommendations of the retrieval of investigative committees in the offices of inspectors general."

    The Iraqi government has criticized earlier, reports of Transparency International on corruption and said it is not accurate and are based on information they received through the local and foreign companies failed to implement service projects in Iraq.

    And confirmed the integrity that Iraq is working to provide an opportunity to Transparency International for its efforts in the fight against financial and administrative corruption.

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      Saya akan merasa pelik & hairan sekiranya Iraq xmembuat sesuatu trhadap ekonomi negara mereka..Budget yg telah d luluskan blm d laksanakan..kenapa? kerna IMF tidak mengiktiraf matawang can their continue to develop their country if the budget is still not progress?? Shabibi among one of the fifth person genuis in economist..this is not our hope only..but the world economy..we are just annoymous people that get this can? explain to me..if the RV is not coming than why all the good news is coming & coming from day to day? is not about our research..NO..its about the world economy..the theory about ecomony collapse will happening if the RV not occur..Is not a rumours, Its a fact..don't feel we are safe from that to happen..I know God's is more powerfull..then your should keeping praying to Allah SWT guideline..Insyallah 24/7 we find know all of our curiosity.

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          Backed by solid fundamentals in countries that rely on growth, not artificial monetary stimulation, these currencies operate on an entirely different playing field than the dollar and the euro. Disokong oleh asas-asas yang kukuh di negara-negara yang bergantung kepada pertumbuhan, tidak tiruan rangsangan monetari, mata wang ini beroperasi di atas padang yang sama sekali berbeza yang bermain daripada dolar dan euro. And they're set to undergo significant increases in value in the coming months and years. Dan mereka bersedia untuk menjalani peningkatan ketara dalam nilai dalam bulan dan tahun akan datang.

          A few currencies to consider that seem to be on everyone's watch-list who follows foreign currencies are: Satu mata wang beberapa mempertimbangkan bahawa seolah-olah berada di senarai pemerhatian setiap orang yang mengikuti mata wang asing adalah seperti berikut:

          * Chinese Yuan Cina Yuan
          * Indian Rupee Rupee India
          * Brazilian Real Real Brazil
          * Canadian Dollar Canadian Dollar

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