CBI announces the "National Key" to facilitate the payment system and instruments in Iraq

Baghdad (news) .. Central Bank of Iraq announced the start of the national key project that deals with the introduction of modern technologies in the banking system by facilitating the work and payment instruments in Iraq.

The deputy governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in a statement to the Agency (news) on Saturday: that the central bank is working hard to introduce modern technologies in the Iraqi banking system through the use of electronic devices to facilitate the work of payments and instruments between Iraqi banks within a project called key national levels.

And the benefit is that this project is an electronic device inventor called "Qassim national" works to facilitate the withdrawal of money fast and brief for people who have credit in Iraqi banks of any bank they want within this device instead of going to the bank, which filed it be trusted , for the purpose of the payments system and facilitate the exchange of instruments between banks in Iraq, in addition to the introduction of mobile technology to know the bank account and credit transfer through a collaboration with the mobile communications companies in Iraq.

He added that a national Qassim managed by a company that specializes in this work for certain wages and are monitored by the Central Bank of Iraq to determine their performance and the extent of its capabilities and efficiency in the process of providing financial services to the citizen.

Saleh pointed out: that there is a local and international companies expressed their desire to manage this device will be announced soon for an international tender to enter the largest number of companies to choose the company efficient, which will manage the device, and continued after it is determined the company would be the formation of the national top consists of: representatives from Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance as well as banks and telecommunications companies to monitor and organize the work of this device for fear of differences in the process of drawing and performance.

The deputy governor of central bank monetary policy in Iraq continues, in the process of introduction of modern banking technologies and works invisibly with the help of international organizations and international institutions for the success of the plans for the development of the banking sector in Iraq, those of the U.S. Development and the World Bank and all other international organizations in countries friendly to Iraq.

In the period from (18 to 19) of the month of November of this year, the systems department development plan, the financial one section of the Central Bank conference Nqashiya in Istanbul to study the draft key national to facilitate dealings in credit cards and electronic cash Alale for the development of e-banking in Iraq. / End /



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    3 Possible Scenarios for a RV

    Here is a good resource online that gives 3 possible scenarios for a revalue. The site is loaded with research.


    Scenario 1 - The Iraqi dinar revalues for $1.13 to $1.50 overnight
    Scenario 2 - Iraq raises the exchange rate on a gradual basis. This would be a multilayered revalue over a short time frame.
    Scenario 3 - Iraq could go through a complete redenomination.

    Here are other links that might want to bookmark if you like to stay informed:

    1. http://emerginggeos....-chat-with.html
    2. http://breitlingcurrency.blogspot.com/

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      Why the IQD will RV ??

      • Iraq says it will have the most valuable currency in the world. This requires a dramatic RV.
      • Iraq, i.e., people, businesses, government, cannot continue to operate with worthless currency.
      • Iraq may not enter the WTO without an internationally tradable currency.
      • Iraq may not be released from Chapter 7 without an RV.
      • Iraq is spending money like there is no tomorrow on U.S. jets, weapons, oil contracts, etc. Payment necessitates an RV.
      • Public Iraqi bank accounts are overdrawn and require an RV.
      • The RV is essential to meet the Iraqi 2012 budget.
      • The RV is essential to combat inflation in Iraq.
      • The RV (raising of the three zeros) has been the plan from the beginning, before the invasion, as layed out in the 4 year plan.
      • The desperate financial needs of the Euro (global) crisis are producing enormous global pressure requiring an RV of the IQD.
      • The U.S. said the Iraq war would not cost us anything financially. The U.S. stands to take in $60 billion over the next several years from 4.3 trillion IQD owned by the UST and tax revenue on 2 trillion dinar owned by U.S. citizens.
      • Many world governments (e.g., China, Japan, and U.S.) own trillions of dinars and are depending on the RV to shore up their bottom lines.

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        INFO : Fakta Ekonomi Iraq Sekarang !

        Kabinet Iraq telah meluluskan bajet Iraq bagi tahun 2012 dimana :
        • Bajet kali ini akan menelan belanja sebanyak IQD117 trilion ($100 bilion) di mana 95% adalah bersumberkan pendapatan minyak Iraq
        • Defisit bajet berbanding pendapatan negara adalah sebanyak IQD17 trilion ($14.5 bilion)
        • Tahukah anda bahawa KDNK Iraq pada tahun 2011 adalah sebanyak 7% di mana ia adalah 3% lebih tinggi dari Malaysia dan mereka mensasarkan angka ini akan stabil dan mungkin meningkat pada tahun 2012. 
        Dengan bajet sebesar ini dan KDNK sebanyak ini, mana mungkin nilai Dinar Iraq akan terus kekal seperti sekarang?? :)

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          Great things are coming your way...we just have to wait for activation which seems to be so very close...follow Maliki and follow the money.

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            Apa yang penting adalah merebut peluang.Samaada sejarah akan berulang atau tidak adalah perkara kedua. Samada menyimpan dengan nilai yang sedikit atau banyak tidak menjadi masalah.

            Adakah dengan merebut peluang ini anda akan jadi papa kedana dan kehidupan menjadi lintang pukang apabila RV yang ditunggu tidak muncul????

            Tak mengapalah jikalau tidak atau lambat RV,IQD tu tetap disimpan,TETAPI jika ditakdir RV nanti? Siapakah yang akan dapat manfaatnya?

            Jikalau kita rasa kita benar, berilah nasihat 3x sahaja. Kita dah terlepas daripada tanggungjawab. Terpulanglah kepada seseorang sama untuk menolak atau menerimanya. Itupun payah sangat ke......dengarnya ada juga berpengetahuan dalam agama, sampai boleh mengeluarkan hukum riba....kenapa yang tersangat mudah nie tak dipraktikkan.

            credit : carigold

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              Ucapan O"

              Ucapan Obama
              Today, I’m proud to welcome Prime Minister Maliki -- the elected leader of a sovereign, self-reliant and democratic Iraq. We're here to mark the end of this war; to honor the sacrifices of all those who made this day possible; and to turn the page -- begin a new chapter in the history between our countries -- a normal relationship between sovereign nations, an equal partnership based on mutual interests and mutual respect.

              Iraq faces great challenges, but today reflects the impressive progress that Iraqis have made. Millions have cast their ballots -- some risking or giving their lives -- to vote in free elections. The Prime Minister leads Iraq’s most inclusive government yet. Iraqis are working to build institutions that are efficient and independent and transparent.

              Economically, Iraqis continue to invest in their infrastructure and development. And I think it's worth considering some remarkable statistics. In the coming years, it’s estimated that Iraq’s economy will grow even faster than China's or India's. With oil production rising, Iraq is on track to once again be one of the region’s leading oil producers.

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                Chapter vii !!!!!

                National Alliance MP: Maliki akan tekan Amerika untuk membantu Iraq keluar dari Chapter VII
                Posted: December 11, 2011 di Iraq: Bab VII, Dinar Iraq / Politik

                Ahli Parlimen Natianal Alliance Saadoun Chihod Mohammed , Ahad, bahawa Perdana Menteri Nuri al-Maliki akan menekankan semasa lawatan ke Washington Amerika untuk Iraq keluar dari Chapter VII.

                Chihod dalam satu kenyataan kepada wartawan di agensi berita itu masa depan (dan) bahawa "agenda lawatan Maliki, ke Amerika Syarikat termasuk isu Iraq keluar dari Chapter VII dan cuba untuk tekanan Amerika dalam hal ini selepas Iraq adalah komited untuk melaksanakan resolusi antarabangsa, "sambil menambah bahawa" al-Maliki akan hadir juga mengaktifkan perjanjian rangka kerja strategik serta memutuskan isu pelatih Amerika."

                Chihod menyifatkan "masa lawatan adalah penting, lebih-lebih lagi bahawa Iraq memerlukan penarikan keluar sepenuhnya tentera AS."


                credit- carigold.com

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                  Berdaulat ke kalau belum lepas dari Ch.7?

                  By Zulkifli Zain in SEMBANG-SEMBANG RV
                  Salam, hari ni saya kongsi pendapat org lain kat sini. Ini pendapat Scooter. Saya suka scooter ni sbb research dia mmg mantop. dan dia tak pernah bercerita ttg rate or date. Saya kongsi je......

                  SOalan yg kita selalu tertanya2….adakah Iraq sudah terlepas dari Ch.7 dengan laungan pemimpin negara Iraq yg mengatakan “ Kami negara berdaulat” dan disokong oleh laungan pemimpin tertinggi US termasuk Obama, Biden dan Clinton “ Iraq kini negara berdaulat”

                  Pendapat Scooter ~ Dari sudut Withdrawal Agreement (perjanjian pengunduran tentera US dari Iraq, secara teknikal nya, dgn pengunduran tentera US. Iraq sememang nye sudah menjadi sebuah negara berdaulat.
                  WITHDRAWAL AGREEMENT: The Withdrawal Agreement signed between the United States and Iraq clearly indicates the US will push for Iraq's exit from Chapter 7. Technically, when the United States departs from the country, the Iraqi's are a completely SOVEREIGN country.
                  * Mmg tanggungjawab US utk melepaskan Iraq dari Chapter 7 spt yg tertera dlm Withdrawal Agreement yg di tandatangani oleh US dan Iraq.

                  IMF COUNTRY REPORTS: The IMF Executive Directors underpinned the structural changes so that regardless of who was elected into office from the last election, the process to reform Iraq's banking and monetary policies wouldn't be disrupted. Iraq has fulfilled a large portion of those requirements and the final move would be the Revaluation of the the two major government banks, Rafadain and Rasheed. The CPI has been restructured and has been waiting in the wings to be engaged throughout the country.
                  ** Revaluation of R&R sudah dilakukan..
                  Remember, the IMF has 85% voting rights to determine the PAR value each member countries currency. The country could Revalue the currency without IMF approval, but life would be very difficult for that country if the IMF disapproves of that move. Trade and WTO membership would be virtually impossible.
                  ** Par value, in finance and accounting, means stated value or face value (nilai yg tertulis pada matawang). From this comes the expressions at par (at the par value), over par (over par value) and under par (under par value).

                  VP BIDEN: The Vice President clearly refers to Iraq as a Sovereign nation and we know the troops will all be departed from the country, with the exception of the a few advisers which will work under the State Departments umbrella.

                  CHAPTER VII: Technically, they are still under Chapter VII, largely because the Kuwaitis haven't budged in their position or are playing "hardball" and want more cash compensation from the damage done from the Iraqi invasion. All other items appear to be satisfied except that one Kuwaiti issue. One thing is clear by the statements below, the issue is not resolved.

                  With that said, can Iraq ReValue their currency if still under the Chapter VII umbrella? I don't know the answer to that question but I do know that ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN, particularly with the United States "driving the car." If the United States truly wanted this currency to ReValue, they could make it happen, particularly with the strong influence in the UNSC and the IMF. So, what's the hold up? Not certain, but it should be interesting to watch unfold. Perhaps there's a US Election angle that isn't being explored -- one never knows!

                  Below, I have provided the recent Withdrawal Agreement, statements from Vice President Biden, and a history of the Iraqi situation from the New York Times.

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                    Masih kata LOP? Baca ni.

                    By Zulkifli Zain in SEMBANG-SEMBANG RV
                    Saya nk berkongsi balik ttg apa yg CBI dimaksudkn dengan delete 3 zeros.

                    Org kata kalo sesat jalan, balik kepangkal jalan.. So saya bawa tuan2 balik kepangkal jalan..semasa CBI terangkan apakah sebenar nya delete 3 zeros. Haha. Skrg ni, isu delete 3 zeros ni dah bercampur aduk antara pendapat, berita dan ketidakfahaman, yg menjadikan ramai yg keliru.

                    NO. 1~ CBI CAKAP NO LOP, REMOVED TAPI REMOVED FROM CIRCULATION http://www.rferl.org/content/Iraq_Pl...n/1950504.html

                    Saleh memberi tahu RFI..mereka telah membuat perancangan utk ‘ remove 3 zeros’ dan menarik keluar note note IQD keluar dari pasaran secara berperingkat
                    Mudhhir Muhammad Salih, a member of a Central Bank advisory panel, told RFI that a plan has been made to remove three zeros from the currency and phase out the current banknotes late this year.

                    Dan Saleh menerangkan ~ matawang lama akan dikeluarkan dari pasaran/kitaran (removed from circulation) secara gradual dan memperkenalkan matawang baru. Terang dan jelas Tarik keluar note2 lama dari pasaran. Dalam situasi LOP…keadaan ini tak boleh wujud kerana matawang lama perlu ditukar kpd matawang baru dalam satu tempoh yg diberi.
                    Salih said by the end of 2010 the new banknotes will be fully introduced while the old banknotes ==> will be gradually removed from circulation. <===He did not specify when the new notes would be issued.
                    Kedua2 matawang ini (lama dan baru) adalah matawang yg sah sehingga matawang lama hilang/ditarik keluar dari pasaran.
                    ==> Both will be legal tender <== in Iraq until the old notes are completely withdrawn.

                    So apa makna legal tender? ~ Federal Reserve notes are legal tender currency notes. The twelve Federal Reserve Banks issue them into circulation pursuant to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. A commercial bank belonging to the Federal Reserve System can obtain Federal Reserve notes from the Federal Reserve Bank in its district whenever it wishes. It must pay for them in full, dollar for dollar, by drawing down its account with its district Federal Reserve Bank.

                    Dalam situasi LOP, sebaik CBI mengambil tindakan utk LOP, the new legal tender ialah matawang baru dinar yg bakal diperkenalkn. Pada masa tu HANYA matawang baru sahaja yg layak digunakan dlm transaksi harian. Matawang lama perlu ditukar kepada matawang baru dahulu sebelum digunakan.
                    Ini berbeza dgn situasi yg disebutkan oleh CBI ~ both will be legal tender...lama dan baru seiring. LOP xleh seiring2..

                    NO.2 ~ CBI CKP NO LOP - 50% COMPLETED ~ http://thecurrencynewshound.com/2010...eleting-zeros/
                    The subject of the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency and small nominal value while maintaining Bakimiteha cash and purchasing of issues that are discussed in many seminars, as addressed by the statements and press reports, in this context, says adviser to the CBI the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said that this year will see the start of the process of deleting the zeros , stressing that the bank has completed 50% of the preparations that are working on since 2005.

                    NI lagi satu, news dari CBI pada 2010. ~ saya nk petik part “ the bank has completed 50% of rhe preparation that are working since 2005. Apa makna 50% completed to?
                    Kalo LOP, apakah maksud 50% complete tu? Adakah ia bermaksud mereka dah delete 1 zeros or 1 ½ zeros..? Saya rasa tak ...bukan itu maksud 50% tu. Tapi kalo 50% tu bermaksud dia dah tarik byk note2 3 zeros keluar dari pasaran....that makes a lot of sense.

                    No.3 ~ NO LOP, ADD CURRENCY vs DELETE CURRENCY Lagi satu link : http://nakhelnews.com/pages/news.php?nid=6967 OR http://thecurrencynewshound.com/2011...eros-from-iqd/
                    He was adviser to the CBI the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said in an interview earlier the bank's readiness to delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency, pointing out that those zeros that are added to the Iraqi currency during the last period formed a cluster of large cash amounted to 27 trillion Iraqi dinar.

                    Ni saya nk huraikan part “Zeros that are added to the Iraqi currency” …..saya rasa maksud Salleh ni very clear. Dia maksudkan…CBI memperkenalkan note2 yg ada 3 kosong kedalam pasaran Iraq.
                    Kalo ‘added’ bermaksud memperkenalkan note2 yg ade 3 zeros ke dlm pasaran, bukankah ‘delete’ sepatut nya juga bermaksud menarik semula keluar note2 yg ade 3 kosong ni kelular dari pasaran.

                    Rumusan: Saya melihat projek delete 3 zeros ni dari sumber diatas, bukan dari apa yg ‘pakar2’ atau ‘economist’ ckp…kalo nk kira dari segi kepakaran, Shabibi adalah top 5 pakar ekonomi dlm dunia…dia juga pernah bertugas di IMF.

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