_The Hillary and Biden thing...The following is speculation from my past experiences and I could be really off on this HOWEVER....
I have been an Air Traffic Controller all my life- started in 1983 and retired 2008. I have worked many(well over 15) Presidential, Vice Presidential, Big Wig, Latie-da movements....I'm only saying that no matter where they said these people were, they were already gone or not there yet. Security. If they said Hillary and Biden were there yesterday, it was at least the day before, if not days before that. Or not there yet. When Pres Reagan came to Guam, by the time my mother could even ask me about it, he had been gone for at least 3 days. I'm not saying that IS the case here, I'm just saying it's possible. Iraq throws out smoke and mirror info all the time and so does the U.S. - JMO.
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