The Iraqiya coalition political party is looking forward to PM Nuri al-Maliki‘s visit to Kuwait on 14 March. The Iraqiya coalition hopes that Iraq can exit the sanctions of Chapter VII. This action in itself would be best for Iraq however, I would think that the Kuwait’s would want more guarantees on several fronts. One would be the horizontal drilling into Iraq.
Home » Archive for 2012-03-04
Jawatankuasa Tertinggi Dibentuk Dengan CBI Bagi Menghapuskan Sifar Daripada Matawang
Baghdad, 8 Mac (AKnews) - Jawatankuasa Ekonomi dalam Majlis Perwakilan Iraq pada hari Khamis telah membentuk Bank Pusat Iraq dengan jawatankuasa bersama untuk memulakan proses penghapusan sifar daripada matawang tempatan.
Abdul Hussein Abtan memberitahu kepada agensi berita Kurdis (AKnews) bahawa "Suruhanjaya Ekonomi membentuk satu jawatankuasa bersama dengan Bank Pusat Iraq pada hari Khamis bagi menyelia proses mengeluarkan sifar daripada matawang tempatan yang telah dijadualkan bermula September depan."
Abdul Hussein Abtan memberitahu kepada agensi berita Kurdis (AKnews) bahawa "Suruhanjaya Ekonomi membentuk satu jawatankuasa bersama dengan Bank Pusat Iraq pada hari Khamis bagi menyelia proses mengeluarkan sifar daripada matawang tempatan yang telah dijadualkan bermula September depan."
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Ban Ki Moon will attendd Arab Summit
The semi-official Iraqiya TV quoted Zibari as saying “Ban Ki Moon confirmed his attendance of the Arab Summit in Baghdad.”
Read more: LINK
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Bantuan Itali Mengenai Penyingkiran Iraq dari Chapter 7 PBB
Suhail meminta bantuan dalam satu pertemuan dengan pemimpin jabatan politik di kementerian luar negeri Itali menurut satu kenyataan dari parlimen Iraq, , Sandro Bernardin dan duta Itali ke Baghdad Gerardo Carante.
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Kuwait: Iraq’s departure from Chapter VII sanctions is the decision of the United Nations
“News”: Kuwait is not a hand out of Iraq from Chapter VII
ASHA – The Kuwaiti media sources informed that Kuwait is not a hand out or into Iraq to Chapter VII, but the decision is up to the United Nations, pointing out that the implementation of its obligations towards Iraq fully to Kuwait will automatically exit from Chapter VII.
The sources told the “news” of Kuwait, that the discussions Maliki with Kuwaiti officials during a visit beginning on 14 March will focus on bilateral relations as well as the outstanding issues between the two countries, especially the one port of Mubarak the Great, who confirmed “that he is and will remain and work takes place now and will not stop.” .
ASHA – The Kuwaiti media sources informed that Kuwait is not a hand out or into Iraq to Chapter VII, but the decision is up to the United Nations, pointing out that the implementation of its obligations towards Iraq fully to Kuwait will automatically exit from Chapter VII.
The sources told the “news” of Kuwait, that the discussions Maliki with Kuwaiti officials during a visit beginning on 14 March will focus on bilateral relations as well as the outstanding issues between the two countries, especially the one port of Mubarak the Great, who confirmed “that he is and will remain and work takes place now and will not stop.” .
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Iraq nak mintak tolong Itali pula
Tak cukup dengan US & UN, kini Iraq nak mintak tolong Itali pulak. Terdesak sangat nampaknya Iraq ni. Tapi bagus la macam tu, nampak sikit kesungguhan Maliki dan kuncu2nya memperjuangkan hak Iraq. Baru2 ni Universiti Mustansiriya telah mengadakan satu seminar mengenai peningkatan kosong kepada Dinar Iraq. Mana satu la Iraq ni, buang ke tambah? Sabo je la!!
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di manakah rasionalnya jika IQD25,000 digantikan dengan IQD25 x 1000 keping?
CBI kata dengan pengenalan wang baru September ini, jumlah wang IQD akan berkurangan di pasaran tempatan tapi di manakah rasionalnya jika IQD25,000 digantikan dengan IQD25 x 1000 keping. Kalau dulu sekeping boleh dapat 25k tapi nanti kena ada 1000 keping dalam poket tapi dapat beli apa je pun dengan 25k tu? Megi 1 bundle? Gandum sekampit? GOI akan melantik kontraktor pengiklanan dan media bagi mendidik rakyat Iraq tentang cara2 penggunaan matawang baru dengan cara yang bijak. CBI hanya tunggu lampu hijau dari Parlimen Iraq untuk meneruskan projek ini. Tak boleh blah la kenyataan dari CBI ni, nak bagi berita tapi kias2 pulak..
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harga jualan setong minyak adalah IQD0.001 sahaja
Kerajaan Iraq tidak perlu menggunakan kuasa veto bagi melaksanakan atau tidak bajet 2012 mereka. Setelah lebih 10 jam berdebat, 2 bulan tertangguh, akhirnya bajet 2012 mereka disahkan dimana kerajaan memperuntukkan sebanyak $200 untuk setiap rakyatnya daripada hasil jualan minyak Iraq. Kerajaan berani beri kepada rakyatnya setiap $200 walaupun harga jualan setong minyak adalah IQD0.001 sahaja. Bapak murah!! Sampai bila la Iraq nak payung dunia dan Amerika khasnya? Sampai bila?
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Lawatan lagi!
Setiap kali lawatan kita disuap akan ada keputusan terbaik untuk semua tapi balik2 serupa tu jugak. Main wayang kulit je la Maliki ni. Kuwait mesti letak syarat yang Iraq tak boleh nak tunaikan. Sebab tu sampai sekarang isu antara 2 negara ini masih tertunggak sampai sekarang. Agak2 apa la yang Kuwait minta dari Iraq selain pampasan sebanyak 5% daripada hasil minyak Iraq?
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Dinar lemah pada bulan Disember
Bank Pusat Iraq berkata ia tidak akan membenarkan dinar Iraq menyusut dan telah menjual beratus-ratus juta dolar untuk memastikan mata wang yang stabil, menurut laporan dari Azzaman.
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Maliki Melawat Kuwait Pada Pertengahan Mac
BAGHDAD, 2 Mac (AKnews) - Perdana Menteri Iraq, Nouri al-Maliki akan melawat Kuwait pada pertengahan Mac, kata penasihat Maliki.
Maryam al-Rais berkata bahawa PM akan membincangkan semua isu-isu yang tergantung di antara kedua-dua negara dan akan berusaha untuk menyelesaikan kesemuanya dan membuka laman baru dalam sejarah hubungan politik dan ekonomi dengan Kuwait.
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Iraq approves its largest ever budget Saturday
Kurds are overall satisfied with the outcome After numerous sessions, delays, and amendments, the Iraqi Parliament finally voted on the largest ever budget of the country on 23 February 2012. Voted for by the majority of votes, the total budget is about 116 trillion Iraqi dinars (approximately $100 billion). Kurdistan Region's share in the budget was set at 12.6 trillion ID, approximately 11.25% of the country's total budget.
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Special High-level Meeting of ECOSOC with the Bretton Woods Institutions, WTO and UNCTAD March 12/13
Special high-level meeting of ECOSOC with the Bretton Woods institutions, the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
12-13 March 2012, UN Headquarters, New York
Pursuant to ECOSOC resolutions 2011/38, 2010/26 and 2009/30, the overall theme of the meeting will be “Coherence, coordination and cooperation in the context of Financing for Development”. The UN Secretary-General will address the meeting. Following a short opening plenary with brief statements by the President of ECOSOC and the heads of relevant intergovernmental bodies, the meeting will consist of informal thematic debates on the following topics:
“Promoting sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth, job creation, productive investment and trade”;
“Financing of sustainable development".
The thematic debates on the above topics will be held consecutively on each day in an informal plenary setting of the whole, in order to facilitate greater engagement of all participants and to promote an open exchange of views and experiences among all stakeholders, including civil society and the business sector. At the closing of the meeting, the President of ECOSOC will make concluding remarks. A full summary by the President of ECOSOC will be issued as an official document.
12-13 March 2012, UN Headquarters, New York
Pursuant to ECOSOC resolutions 2011/38, 2010/26 and 2009/30, the overall theme of the meeting will be “Coherence, coordination and cooperation in the context of Financing for Development”. The UN Secretary-General will address the meeting. Following a short opening plenary with brief statements by the President of ECOSOC and the heads of relevant intergovernmental bodies, the meeting will consist of informal thematic debates on the following topics:
“Promoting sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth, job creation, productive investment and trade”;
“Financing of sustainable development".
The thematic debates on the above topics will be held consecutively on each day in an informal plenary setting of the whole, in order to facilitate greater engagement of all participants and to promote an open exchange of views and experiences among all stakeholders, including civil society and the business sector. At the closing of the meeting, the President of ECOSOC will make concluding remarks. A full summary by the President of ECOSOC will be issued as an official document.
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