The Currency Newshound: Banker: the idea of ​​transforming the private banks to financial institutions will organize their work and promote the national economy

The Currency Newshound
Providing news which shapes the Iraqi economy and the future of the Iraqi Dinar
Banker: the idea of ​​transforming the private banks to financial institutions will organize their work and promote the national economy
Oct 27th 2012, 14:42

Banking expert called Mohsen Ali, the need to transform the private banks to large financial institutions to strengthen the financial assets and organization of work, which will enhance the national economy.

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    The Currency Newshound: CBI warns of the presence of fake banknotes of a five thousand dinars

    The Currency Newshound
    Providing news which shapes the Iraqi economy and the future of the Iraqi Dinar
    CBI warns of the presence of fake banknotes of a five thousand dinars
    Oct 27th 2012, 14:51

    An official source in the Iraqi Central Bank, on Saturday, the existence of "quantities" of counterfeit coins from a five thousand dinars, is currently circulating in the country, warning citizens of "becoming victims of dealers."

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      The Currency Newshound: Director of the Centre for market research: economic unstable Iraqi market owing to the lack of strategic plans and import clutter

      The Currency Newshound
      Providing news which shapes the Iraqi economy and the future of the Iraqi Dinar
      Director of the Centre for market research: economic unstable Iraqi market owing to the lack of strategic plans and import clutter
      Oct 27th 2012, 14:45

      Baghdad (newsletter) ...Market research centre Director and consumer protection Salem Al-Bayati, the Iraqi economic market unstable since political regime change in Iraq in 2003.

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      Related Posts:

        The Currency Newshound: Experts: Iraq is on the verge of a deep economic crisis

        The Currency Newshound
        Providing news which shapes the Iraqi economy and the future of the Iraqi Dinar
        Experts: Iraq is on the verge of a deep economic crisis
        Oct 27th 2012, 14:46

        Economists predicted that Iraq is on the verge of a severe crisis due to the worsening economic crisis in Iran and Syria's political and which threaten the local economy at risk. He called analysts from the federal government speed quick action keeps the market economy from falling and to address the crisis coming.

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          The Currency Newshound: Parliament: a bill redrawing the administrative boundaries of the provinces step for the implementation of Article 140

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          Parliament: a bill redrawing the administrative boundaries of the provinces step for the implementation of Article 140
          Oct 27th 2012, 14:41

          Called the Kurdistan Alliance MP Mehdi Haji political blocs to agree on a bill redrawing the administrative border of the provinces submitted by President Jalal Talabani, for the purpose of "reform changes unfair conducted by the former regime on the borders of some provinces, as he put it.

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            The Currency Newshound: Maliki: differences with the administration of GOI and CBI but hyphen recent events

            The Currency Newshound
            Providing news which shapes the Iraqi economy and the future of the Iraqi Dinar
            Maliki: differences with the administration of GOI and CBI but hyphen recent events
            Oct 27th 2012, 14:44

            BAGHDAD (Iba) .. Denied Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to be connected to the government recently issued an order to arrest Bank Governor Sinan al-Shabibi and the number of staff on charges of financial and administrative corruption.

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              The Currency Newshound: CBI announces replacement of damaged currency early next month

              The Currency Newshound
              Providing news which shapes the Iraqi economy and the future of the Iraqi Dinar
              CBI announces replacement of damaged currency early next month
              Oct 27th 2012, 14:52

              Central Bank of Iraq, Saturday, his contract with the British company to replace damaged currency with new ones, stressing that the replacement process will be the beginning of the month of November, as pointed out that these currencies are only 1% of the currency in circulation in the market.

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                Iraq Business News: Iraq to Increase November Oil Shipments

                Iraq Business News
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                Iraq to Increase November Oil Shipments
                Oct 27th 2012, 12:22

                By John Lee.

                Bloomberg reports that Iraq will keep the number of shipments of Basrah Light crude from the Persian Gulf unchanged in November compared to October, but will increase the total volume.

                According to the loading program, Iraq will ship 46 cargoes from the al-Basrah Oil Terminal (ABOT) (pictured). Exports will total 73.9 million barrels, or 2.46 million bpd, but the volume of one cargo on 21st November was not listed.

                Exports for October were planned at 71 million barrels, or 2.29 million bpd.

                The 45 known shipments are planned to be:

                • 28 consignments of 2 million barrels each;
                • 11 lots of 1 million-barrels;
                • three lots of 715,000 barrels;
                • two lots 1.95 million barrels; and,
                • one lot of 900,000 barrels.

                (Source: Bloomberg)

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                  Iraq Business News: Northrop Grumman Equips Iraqi Patrol Vessel

                  Iraq Business News
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                  Northrop Grumman Equips Iraqi Patrol Vessel
                  Oct 27th 2012, 12:22

                  Advanced communication, sensor and navigation systems from Northrop Grumman have been installed on the Iraqi offshore patrol vessel, the Al-Fayhaa, which along with the Al-Basrah will conduct security missions in the northern Arabian Gulf

                  According to a report from UPI, the systems for the first of two patrol vessels, procured by the U.S. Navy for its Iraqi counterpart, were provided under a 2010 contract from RiverHawk Fast Sea Frames, the prime contractor for the vessels.

                  “These shipboard electronic systems will improve Iraq’s ability to provide its own national security,” said Bill Hannon, vice president of Northrop Grumman’s Maritime Systems business unit. “By providing a quick-response, affordable, capable solution to RiverHawk, Northrop Grumman demonstrated its ability to deliver integrated navigation and communication solutions along with management and engineering services.”

                  The systems provided under the $7.4 million award included an integrated bridge system and an integrated tactical data link system; communications systems; maritime situational awareness displays; the company’s VisionMaster TotalWatch multifunction workstations; and chart radar and display.

                  (Source: UPI)

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                    Iraq Business News: MP Rules Out Deleting Zeros from Currency Soon

                    Iraq Business News
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                    MP Rules Out Deleting Zeros from Currency Soon
                    Oct 27th 2012, 12:21

                    By John Lee.

                    Iraqi MP and member of the Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee, Nahida al-Dayni, has ruled out deleting the zeros from the Iraqi currency soon.

                    Speaking to All Iraqi News Agency (AIN), she said:

                    The process of deleting the zeros from the Iraqi currency will not be done soon due to the lack of security and economic stability in Iraq, in addition to the lack of the required observatory role and the reduction of the IQD to the USD.

                    “The increase and decrease of the prices are related to the regional situation … The possibility of fixing the price of the USD to keep the same ratio of the IQD in the local markets.

                    Previously, the Council of Ministers decided to postpone the process of deleting the zeros from the Iraqi currency until further notice.

                    (Source: AIN)

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                      Iraq Business News: WorleyParsons Awarded Contract Extension at Rumaila

                      Iraq Business News
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                      WorleyParsons Awarded Contract Extension at Rumaila
                      Oct 27th 2012, 12:22

                      By John Lee.

                      WorleyParsons has been awarded a $90m contract extension by BP Iraq NV, and its partners PetroChina and Iraq’s State Oil Marketing Organization (SOMO), to continue providing engineering, procurement and management services to boost production from the super-giant Rumaila oilfield in Southern Iraq.

                      In November 2009, BP and its partners entered into a 20 year Technical Service Contract (TSC) with the South Oil Company of Iraq. Under the terms of the TSC, the BP led consortium is required to nearly triple output from the field to 2.85 million barrels of oil per day over the next 6 years.

                      On completion of this work, Rumaila will become the world's second largest producing oil field, contributing approximately 10% of Middle East production, 7% of OPEC production and 3% of global production.

                      The contract is being executed from WorleyParsons' offices in London, UAE and Iraq.

                      Commenting, WorleyParsons' CEO Andrew Wood stated:

                      We are pleased to be able to continue our involvement in the reconstruction and development of Iraq's oil and gas infrastructure. We understand the significance of the Rumaila development to the regeneration of the Iraqi economy, and we will work closely with the partners in the Rumaila development, BP, PetroChina and SOMO to create the maximum value over the life time of the field.

                      (Source: WorleyParsons)

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                        The Currency Newshound: US Dept of Defense: CPA Briefs on Iraqi Currency Exchange in 2003

                        The Currency Newshound
                        Providing news which shapes the Iraqi economy and the future of the Iraqi Dinar
                        US Dept of Defense: CPA Briefs on Iraqi Currency Exchange in 2003
                        Oct 26th 2012, 14:14

                        MR. SENOR: Good afternoon. I'm Dan Senor, senior adviser to Ambassador Bremer and the Coalition Provisional Authority. I'll also introduce Tony Fratto, who's with the Department of Treasury. Both of us will be available to answer any additional questions you have afterwards.

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                        Related Posts:

                          The Currency Newshound: After the CBI crisis; Sudden rise at the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar

                          The Currency Newshound
                          Providing news which shapes the Iraqi economy and the future of the Iraqi Dinar
                          After the CBI crisis; Sudden rise at the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar
                          Oct 26th 2012, 14:11

                          stressed deputies of the Committee on Parliamentary Integrity high Saraf dollar against the Iraqi dinar after the issuance of arrest warrants for Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan al-Shabibi and some of his aides, said the Iraqi List MP Ibrahim al-Mutlaq said the high price of the U.S. dollar against the Iraqi dinar caused demand severe pressure on the dollar by the neighboring countries, particularly Syria and Iran as a result of economic conditions and the international embargo imposed on them.

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                          Related Posts:

                            The Currency Newshound: Finance Committee: IMF rejected the price of a barrel of oil in the budget of 2013

                            The Currency Newshound
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                            Finance Committee: IMF rejected the price of a barrel of oil in the budget of 2013
                            Oct 26th 2012, 14:07

                            announced parliamentary Finance Committee, Friday, kept the International Monetary Fund on the price per barrel of oil in Iraq's budget for next year, as the government promised determine the price "Bullish".

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                            Related Posts:

                              The Currency Newshound: Political agreement to pass a law on oil and energy (HCL)

                              The Currency Newshound
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                              Political agreement to pass a law on oil and energy (HCL)
                              Oct 26th 2012, 14:09

                              Revealed to the oil and energy parliamentary, that political blocs agreed to pass the draft law of oil and gas for the year 2011 made by the government to the House of Representatives, pointing to the mini-committee set up by Parliament worked to make some amendments to this draft according to the political consensus.

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                              Related Posts:

                                The Currency Newshound: Editorial regarding CBI Crisis: adopt “free market”, give up his freedom / Saeb Khalil

                                The Currency Newshound
                                Providing news which shapes the Iraqi economy and the future of the Iraqi Dinar
                                Editorial regarding CBI Crisis: adopt "free market", give up his freedom / Saeb Khalil
                                Oct 26th 2012, 14:03

                                Although it is difficult for the Iraqi citizen to understand the complexities on the issue of economic central bank

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                                Related Posts:

                                  The Currency Newshound: Distribution of federal budget for 2013 on sectors

                                  The Currency Newshound
                                  Providing news which shapes the Iraqi economy and the future of the Iraqi Dinar
                                  Distribution of federal budget for 2013 on sectors
                                  Oct 26th 2012, 14:06

                                  BAGHDAD / JD / .. announced government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh that the Council of Ministers decided at its forty-sixth regular and held yesterday Tuesday 23 October 2012, approved a draft law the federal budget for 2013 of $ (138) trillion dinars, an increase of 18% from last year.

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                                  Related Posts:

                                    The Currency Newshound: Member of Economic Committee says deleting of zeros not anytime soon

                                    The Currency Newshound
                                    Providing news which shapes the Iraqi economy and the future of the Iraqi Dinar
                                    Member of Economic Committee says deleting of zeros not anytime soon
                                    Oct 26th 2012, 14:18

                                    Excluded member of the Committee, investment and economic reconstruction hold parliamentary process of deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency.

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                                      Iraq Business News: Erbil International Fair Attracts over 850 Companies

                                      Iraq Business News
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                                      Erbil International Fair Attracts over 850 Companies
                                      Oct 25th 2012, 20:23

                                      Advertising Feature

                                      Senior Kurdistan Regional Government representatives opened the 8th annual edition of the multi- sector trade fair, Erbil International Fair 2012, which was held under the auspices of the Kurdistan Regional Governmentfrom 15 to 18 of October 2012.

                                      This year's edition, the biggest ever since the show's beginning in 2005, attracted over 850 companies representing 23 countries around the world.

                                      Mr. Sinan Çelebi, Minister of Trade and Industry from Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) welcomed all the guests to the 8th International Fair and highlighted the event's progress. "If we look back over the years, we can see an average growth of about 15 – 20% yearly", he said.

                                      The minister went on to highlight the economic growth that the Kurdistan Region has seen over the past several years saying: "Only about seven years ago, the income per capita was about $300 per year, which is what many people in European countries can make in one day. Now it is over $6,000."

                                      "This may still not seem like much", he added, "but if you take the growth into consideration for this short period, it's quite a big success. We hope that within the next ten years this will rise to more than $10,000".

                                      The show covered a wide range of sectors showcasing a wide selection of products and services including engineering, electronics, furniture, interiors, telecommunications, fashion, banking, jewelry, handicrafts and much more.

                                      Moreover, the show benefitted from the support of a large number of international government agencies, chambers of commerce, ministries, embassies and trade associations; offering the international exhibitors a great opportunity to build strong relations with Iraqi companies and institutions.

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                                        The Currency Newshound: UN’s Kuebler asks Iraqi politicians to settle differences for its citizens

                                        The Currency Newshound
                                        Providing news which shapes the Iraqi economy and the future of the Iraqi Dinar
                                        UN's Kuebler asks Iraqi politicians to settle differences for its citizens
                                        Oct 25th 2012, 15:29

                                        Baghdad/ Obelisk: called the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Iraq Martin Kobler, Thursday, Iraqi politicians to resolve differences and continue to work to meet the needs of Iraqi citizens.

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                                          The Currency Newshound: Decision of the Commission on the economy: “emotionally charged” dealing with the issue of CBI will affect the financial situation of the country

                                          The Currency Newshound
                                          Providing news which shapes the Iraqi economy and the future of the Iraqi Dinar
                                          Decision of the Commission on the economy: "emotionally charged" dealing with the issue of CBI will affect the financial situation of the country
                                          Oct 25th 2012, 15:36

                                          Date: 2012-10-25 13: 00: 47 Thursday Baghdad (newsletter) … Economic Committee decision warned MP about the Kurdish blocs Coalition/mohama Khalil, the likelihood of the current Central Bank issue impact on the country’s financial situation on the dinar exchange rate instability and jeopardizing Iraq’s international reputation for monetary policy. Khalil (News Agency news) on Thursday to [...]

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                                          Related Posts:

                                            The Currency Newshound: News article suggests UN is closely monitoring the situation regarding the CBI

                                            The Currency Newshound
                                            Providing news which shapes the Iraqi economy and the future of the Iraqi Dinar
                                            News article suggests UN is closely monitoring the situation regarding the CBI
                                            Oct 25th 2012, 15:41

                                            Al-Mustaqbal Lebanese Wednesday, 10/24/2012 family Basra governor Previous litigation Maliki for his assassination and management "death squads" under the supervision of Iran Baghdad Ali Baghdadi interacted assassination Muhammad Misbah Waili former governor of Basra (southern tip of Iraq) dramatically after accusing the victim's family to the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki-led "death squads" under the supervision of Iranian involvement in a series of assassinations, including accident Waeli known Iran Bmaadath influence in the city-rich and overlooking the Arabian Gulf.

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                                              The Currency Newshound: Observers: Shabibi arrest warrant not devoid of a political nature

                                              The Currency Newshound
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                                              Observers: Shabibi arrest warrant not devoid of a political nature
                                              Oct 25th 2012, 15:22

                                              Observers believe that the political nature are prevailing today in the various economic and financial decision, especially in independent institutions should be free from political interference for sensitivity such as the central, pointing saying to political reasons obvious to dismiss Central Bank Governor Sinan al-Shabibi despite exceeding five years prescribed in the Bank Act .

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                                                The Currency Newshound: Obscure the results of CBI auction sales for the second day in a row

                                                The Currency Newshound
                                                Providing news which shapes the Iraqi economy and the future of the Iraqi Dinar
                                                Obscure the results of CBI auction sales for the second day in a row
                                                Oct 25th 2012, 15:35

                                                Blocking the central bank currency auction results for the second consecutive day for unknown reasons.

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                                                  The Currency Newshound: Maliki’s party says Eid gives time to invest to prepare the ground for the meeting of national

                                                  The Currency Newshound
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                                                  Maliki's party says Eid gives time to invest to prepare the ground for the meeting of national
                                                  Oct 25th 2012, 15:28

                                                  Called on the Islamic Dawa Party, led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to invest Eid al-Adha to renounce differences and prepare the ground for the national meeting of the Bhlhalh political crisis.

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