Dinar Recaps - Our Blog: Lojak and Freeway Bill Thursday Morning posted by Highhopes at PTR Forum

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Lojak and Freeway Bill Thursday Morning posted by Highhopes at PTR Forum
Jan 12th 2012, 14:24

[FreewayBill] Good Morning .... well we had information that we would see this overnight... Have not checked bankscreens yet this morning, so really don't have anything concrete... Biden and Hillary were indeed in Iraq yesterday and finalization on RV is complete... We are just waiting for them to announce this bad boy! Have a great day and know that we are the closest we can be right now.... Cashing in is just around the corner... GOD BLESS

[lojak] Yep, So I just saw Bill post about Hillary and Biden--so for those of you that attacked me last night in chat about that intel--shane in you lol

lojak] we look great..am I surprised we havent seen it? yes..but my understanding is that some announcements are forthcoming...

[lojak] MRP mamari4 I'm great and yes today look good...I woke up several "gurus" this morning already to get some confirms...its always exciting when you get other people with the same info...so lets see how today plays out..

lojak] sevenrays yes, i say what --be careful about some articles that are floating around about hillary--they are dated 2011

[lojak] So I hope you all see the significance of H & B going over there for the day...

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[lojak] I''ll see you guys a little later

[foundbetter] lojak are the us delegates there to straighten out maliki or is it for the announcement?
[lojak] foundbetter they wouldnt have been able to strighten him our in 5-6 hours do you think?

[lojak] foundbetter well they went for good stuff

[highhopes] lojak-thank you so much and have a fantabulous day!!

[junior2] Lojak when r u expecting an announcement???
[lojak] junior2 dont know yet

RP] Capt Crunch Nah, Dr. Todd told Gary that every time there is a delay, there is a consequence. We are getting to the point where the consequences are so serious that even the most callous govt is not wanting to create that.

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