Dinar Recaps - Our Blog: A.Q. CHAT - Post By Newmonies Dinar Updates Forum

Dinar Recaps - Our Blog
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A.Q. CHAT - Post By Newmonies Dinar Updates Forum
Jan 12th 2012, 04:05

_3:22 PM [A.Q] Okay folks............................................. ....
 [2:15:18 PM] AQ: this is what I know at this moment
[2:21:24 PM] AQ: 1. US has to announce the new currency I understand it is to be done on sunday by US and China

2. Hearing it is being held up because of M again. Personally I feel he is not too big to take care of.

3. I know and have said for months now that the FED must go, the new currency be announced here, and the WGS packages have to be paid with the new currency not the fiat......

 4. NOW we are seeing all of this happen before our eyes........the current financial system will crash....this is planned and WILL happen..........

 5. So do they not have it all in place as they have thought? Are the elitist up to no good again? What the exact issue is none of us know...........I have heard and know a group in Ark was called to go down to dallas for this morning have heard nothing more............could it be the rate was stopped or frozen for one of the above reasons? sure or it could be they gave them the vouchers and a non disclosure to sign swearing to nothing till it shows...
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_I do know a pastor will not lie would he avoid calls dealing with it? Possibly so all I can say is HOLD ON.............it is done we just await the "seeing is believing" aspect of it.............

3:26 PM [Meatman4dinar] A.Q -Are you saying that the US will have a brand new currency by next week???? Hmm interesting.

3:27 PM [Ambi] A.Q Thank you for sharing you are very much appreciated
3:30 PM [A.Q] I feel that the EAS system they tried to test world wide a few months back to sync them for a national message will be used......jmho

3:31 PM [OfCourse13] A.Q Did you happen to hear footforward last night? He believes the the new currency comes out after the dollar devaluation, which would be after the RV. Sounds like you see it differently?

3:35 PM [A.Q] Honugirl YW. I bring what I can
3:35 PM [A.Q] Meatman4dinar again I gave my opinion not intel

3:38 PM [OfCourse13] A.Q You know a lot of people are going to be afraid when they hear about new currency, new banking system, stuff like that because they are unprepared and do not realize how much GOOD is on the way! How can we help them NOT be afraid??

3:38 PM [Ambi] A.Q so glad to have you share with us
3:39 PM [jam777] AQ you still think it is $7-$8 RV pending ? You think we have to wait till next week ?
3:39 PM [david7] AQ and please continue to give us info because we need the help to understand where we r with this investment

3:40 PM [juiceplus+] A.Q , what is your humble opinion about DB and others having to do the Market Rate please?

3:43 PM [A.Q] jam777 I do not know I wish I did my source was calling wed last week then I had to come in and explain why..........at this time I only know that my sources are saying still the WGS and new currency must be in play.........the high rv would be because the dollar is down so............I do know from the master operator it is as high as 8$

3:44 PM [Ambi] A.Q we can see we are moving forward, not back wards
3:44 PM [A.Q] juiceplus+ I feel that the US never intended for them to give a rate better than the banks.............think about it.........i feel by letting them give a few cents more than some banks will be the only edge they will get so I do see why that is in place

3:45 PM [A.Q] Templejc I still say ASN................problem is not sure which second....
3:46 PM [wealthbytrade] AQ, what's ASN? I've seen this before but can't figure it out. Thanks!

3:47 PM [A.Q] Any Second Now wealthbytrade
3:47 PM [OfCourse13] wealthbytrade Thanks for asking. I didn't know either
3:47 PM [A.Q] Ambi yes we are now in then we have to stand still is all

3:48 PM [juiceplus+] A.Q , thank you! I sure hope more banks are included other than the Big 4
3:49 PM [kmiller68] does anyone pay attention to what the cbi has said? Article today said by the end of the year and 1.2 dinar to the dollar

3:49 PM [KingofGlory] Meatman4dinar Bless Him with a positive attitude.
3:49 PM [kmiller68] thats no prediction or guru speak that is the cbi talking

3:49 PM [A.Q] juiceplus+ I feel they will be but maybe not for a few days...they all should be in being fair IMHO
3:50 PM [A.Q] kmiller68 Yes I did see that and know if Shabs had had his way IT WOULD BE DONE..................so............

3:50 PM [juiceplus+] Ok, thanks so much! syl
3:51 PM [A.Q] juiceplus+ yw
3:51 PM [kmiller68] AQ I know but I think his hands are tied by the idiots in Parliament
3:51 PM [OfCourse13] A.Q So who, exactly is "holding the button" right now? TY

3:52 PM [A.Q] kmiller68 well unfortunately shabs did that and i am sure by request of the US he said not till goi seated............first mistake was giving M interim PMship imho

3:52 PM [A.Q] OfCourse13 the world and m's **BLEEP**ness as BGG used earlier
3:53 PM [hossiemom] Where is the cbi post?
3:54 PM [A.Q] kmiller68 he knows tooo much and who knows might have the missing money...

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