RECORDING LINK170 Minutes I'm posting this call for everyone as I don't see it on here anywhere, and it's uplifting.
If it is on here, let me know and I'll delete if I can.
Canadian guy speaking about Dinar. Friday, January 13, 2012 9:34 PM Subject: Footforward on the Big Call - EXCELLENT INFO 1-11-12 Remember rumor until proven otherwise….
Just listening to the Footforward call above and he is stating that once the RV happens, that information will go viral immediately and everyone will know that (the RV) has happened. Let us all hope that this is soon. We all need to just be patient and let this happen. This is a world-wide reset of the monetary system and everything has to be just right for it to happen without causing mass pandemonium and FEAR (false expectations appearing real).
(sorry, no dial in number)
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