Dinar Recaps - Our Blog: Bluwolf Chat 3S's Intel - Post By Highhopes PTR Forum

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Bluwolf Chat 3S's Intel - Post By Highhopes PTR Forum
Jan 18th 2012, 02:07

_From 3sintel:

TheBeav] bluwolf Your seriously think we only have a 24 hour window to cash in. Logistics of 3 million of us doing that are upsurd! How's that goinna work? It's soooo important.
[bluwolf] thebeau it happen with kuwait what makes you think it won''t happen here

[gunny] bluwolf Where did they go? I would like to see the words done, done and done!!
[bluwolf] you must understand there are alot of things that must fall into place in this,after all there are 155 countries that will rv

[achievepubs] I am wondering if anyone heard anything about why Dinar Banker was closed for a couple of hours today?
[bluwolf] ach meetings staff meetings

[gunny] bluwolf TheBeav Last I heard that if and a big if, the rate came in as high as some are saying, that it will be one week's time frame.
[bluwolf] gunny just get in and get out within the first 24 hours ,lock in within the first 3 hours, do not play Russian roulette
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_[Gators] bluwolf thanks for the post. This RV has been ASN for almost a year now. Are the PTB playing games with us?
[bluwolf] gator I do not think so

[arewethereyet] Why do you feel that way about cash in bluwolf?
[bluwolf] cautse i have been told

[HomeFree] bluwolf do you know of somewhere in Australia or New Zealand to cash out ?? Thank you
[bluwolf] home no one has cash out yet

[sunshine] bluwolf Thank you...Soon ..you mean...tomorroiw ,this week ?
[bluwolf] sun in a couple of hours sounds good to me

[Pastor_b] bluwolf will the banks lockin rates?
[bluwolf] pastor you would have to ask them

[imperium] bluwolf the 'rush to cash in' is causing much anxiety among the masses.
[bluwolf] so do what you got to do imperium

[bluwolf] I have 1,900,000 people and they already know what to do and we will all lock in quick
[bluwolf] get in and get out within the first 24 period
[BellaGrits] bluwolf I agree.

[TUG] bluwolf i apologize to repeat a question if already asked..but given your information do you still see this happening this week. thank you in advance for responding
[bluwolf] tug it is here already just let it pop in
[bluwolf] tug I did say it is here right you figure

[Bigdog55] bluwolf I have no problem getting in and getting out just give me the RV and I can show you how quick I can get in and get out
[bluwolf] big correct

[ibdutch] BellaGrits bluwolf Absolutely will try to lock in within 24 hours ... could be mass chaos, however, with millions of peeps trying to do the same with ONE (or maybe a couple) websites.
[bluwolf] ib cross that bridge when you get to it,law of attraction

[massman1] bluwolf do you think the initial rate will be high?
[bluwolf] mass it should be very high

[mamamia] bluwolf bluwolf Correct me if I am wrong did you say the RV is here??
[bluwolf] ma yes I did so has everybody that gets info

[punkin] bluwolf bluwolf Did you say that it finally RV'd????? thank you
[bluwolf] punk no i did not
[punkin] bluwolf oh pitiful – sorry
[bluwolf] one has soon as the rv gets announce

[dinadave7] bluwolf Hi....how does one get into your group
[bluwolf] do you live in Puerto rico

[KAT2011] bluwolf California
[bluwolf] kat just contact either dinar banker and set things up ask questions if you can lock in with them even if you have not bought any dinars from them, just ask and maybe they will help you with that
[bluwolf] kat call them up and ask now

[srm777] bluwolf Have you heard that Dinar banker was to be shut down from 2 to 5 today? And has anyone confirmed that?
[bluwolf] srm they were in a staff meeting
[srm777] bluwolf But were they shut down during the staff meeting?
[bluwolf] srm I think so makes sense

[jan] blue are we still in lockdown
[bluwolf] jan i believe so

[joyjoyjoyjoy] bluwolf who will officially announce the RV please? thank you
[bluwolf] joy nobody it will just appear

[jc2] Bluwolf...feel safe with DB vs bank for cash in?
[bluwolf] j2 I think you will do fine

[honeybelle] bluwolf your sources say to cash out in with 24 hour
[bluwolf] honey yes it will drop
[honeybelle] bluwolf tyvm will have to call db or dt to lock in rate

[sunshine] bluwolf like you did say before the RV is like a silent thief..it will come very silently...NO announcement...It just APPEAR...BAM ....
[bluwolf] sunshine A+

[fiddlehead39] Bluwolf,,how much of a drop are you hearing after 24 hrs
[bluwolf] ex. lets say it comes out at 10.00 it could drop to 3.33

[massman1] bluwolf it seems with such a short cash in period...24 hrs, that DB is going to be the only way to go...agree??

[dinali] Bluwolf sorry just got in. What has happen ed to get us excited? "o)
[bluwolf] dinali i did not get anybody excited they already were

[owl2] I dont believe in 24hr rate drop...it makes NO SENSE
[BellaGrits] owl2 just because it makes no sense, does not man he won't happen.....nothing in the investment has made much sense.... not to me.

[blessing7] bluwolf so you still think we are looking at tonight? That would be a blessing for sure.. GOD BLESS
[bluwolf] blessing just lockin you can cash out when instructed to

[BellaGrits] bluwolf I know one thing is the Execution Agreement....how quickly will that be made available?
[bluwolf] bella i do not have any info on that

[massman1] bluwolf it seems with such a short cash in period...24 hrs, that DB is going to be the only way to go...agree??
[bluwolf] mass its a option I think

[bluwolf] before i go and for the record just get in and get out fast, lock in your rates before the first 24 hours to be safe being the first 3 hours the most appropiate

[Bell] bluwolf My Liberty comes now!!!
[bluwolf] el it is here and we must wait period fine and simply

[BellaGrits] bluwolf okay, ty, for those of you with reserves at Dinar Banker, you will need to click on sell your dinar, then be given a form, you should complete it.....then you should receive an e-mail message or call from Dinar Banker with a rate and date....then you will be sent an Execution Agreement, sign it, fax or scan it back....then your rate is locked in. That is my understanding.... [BellaGrits] All paperwork must be completed before your rate is locked in...

[BellaGrits] All paperwork must be completed before your rate is locked in...

[larryc1647] bluwolf , where are your people going to cash out?
[bluwolf] larry all around the place

[wisegrysqrl] bluwolf Are you telling us to call DB now and set up cashin date?
[bluwolf] wise no i did not

[BellaGrits] It would not hurt to call, use online chat, and email....just follow up on everything you do to lock in your rate on your reserves with Dinar Banker; that's my plan.

[bseime] BellaGrits I assume this is after the rv is announced and not now?
[BellaGrits] bseime AFTER the RV announcement

[bluwolf] bella all should ask around and see how these people may help you

[elvisgirl] bluwolf , Is this really the last month or 30 days for this wait????
[bluwolf] el i wil not repeat it again its here we must wait for it to just pop up

[bluwolf] well bluwolf is out
[bluwolf] good evening and happy journeys

[sunshine] Bluwolf...May is repost what you said about soon= a couple of hours...?
[bluwolf] sun asn [bluwolf] period

[bluwolf] be blessed bluwolf out

[raven] bluwolf are they any issues with cashing out dinar in your personal name and then moving it to a Nevada Corp, LLC, etc?
[bluwolf] raven you must ask someone that works with those things a cpa or lawyer not me

[MRP] bluwolf bluwolf Senor Bluwolf Aho Mitakuye Oyasin!
[bluwolf] mrp hope that is a blessing sounds nice,,jejeje

[MRP] bluwolf Yes, it is an honorment for you, Senor. It means, To All My Relations!
[bluwolf] mrp that is really nice ty

[BellaGrits] I am assuming many of you have reserves.....someone asked if you bought them at DT, can you lock them in at DB? No, you must lock them in where you bought them.

[bluwolf] suggestion start bank shopping see if they can lockin the rates call dinbanker ask if they can to even if you did not buy from just ask around do not leave things for the last minute

[BellaGrits] The Execution Agreements will not be available until post RV.....Dinar Banker

[foggy01] bluwolf you must know what the rate will come out at!! & what the Dinar is really worth--right?
[bluwolf] foggy i know that you know that i know
[bluwolf] jejeje
[foggy01] bluwolf I got a good idea what you know
[bluwolf] foggy let me tell you I know alot

[whynot] bluwolf Is that Spanish for ha ha ha, lol?
[bluwolf] whynot laughter is just laughter it has no language its just laughter

[bluwolf] shoppin for banks is going to same it is not calling them

[electricman75] bluwolf so you already got a rate locked in with your banker??? How if noone knows what the rate is?
[BellaGrits] electricman75 you cannot lock in a rate until post rv

[meisme] Blu I will stand to what you said.... thanks...
[bluwolf] meisme me and you know that this 24 hour thing is true I just advise this in here and you know that i have been saying this for some time now

[rjg] Kord ty, i think bluwolf is out of his mind
[bluwolf] rjg its history repeating itself and i am not crazy friend just wise

[KYRV39] bluwolf what do you feel the rate will be
[bluwolf] ky very very high

[..SweetQueen] hey bluwolf good to see you again.
[bluwolf] sweetqueen you know me well have i ever lied to you and has everything that i said in cc calls etc.come out to be true

[..SweetQueen] bellaGrits, glad to see you too.

[BellaGrits] Bluwolf was giving you very good advice based on intel regarding your timeframe.....please listen to him
[bluwolf] bella to each his own

[bluwolf] if you want the highest rate go for the first 3 hours lock in
[bluwolf] if you do not want to believe just settle for the lowest rate it is up to each and everyone of to think it over

[tammy] bellagrits.....i missed the advice. can u lease repost?
[BellaGrits] tammy bluwolf is giving you the best he gets, as am I, and our intel happens to match up....

[bluwolf] bluwolf out
[BellaGrits] bluwolf indeed, we are strictly giving you OUR intel

[sistersister] Just got here and reading all the exciting talk...do not forget that Jonnywg has those great bank packages available for us 24 hr after the announcement! Check out DB and the banks and make your best informed choice. Bless all of us!!

[bluwolf] sister yes and he has those bank packages for a reason
[bluwolf] because he knows what is going on just like me,you have been advise

[bluwolf] good night now
[bluwolf] buenas noches

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