Dinar Recaps - Our Blog: Adam's Official Chat 1/18/12 - Kcw post DinarVets

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Adam's Official Chat 1/18/12 - Kcw post DinarVets
Jan 18th 2012, 18:24

_[Adam Montana] like I just said, this week is amazing for news!
Adam Montana] let me clear a few things up first
[Adam Montana] 1. there's some rumors going around that I'm supposed to appear on other sites and do some kind of round table discussion with a bunch of gurus out there
[Adam Montana] it's a baby rumor now, but before it blows up - the answer is NO I am not appearing on any other sites with any of the so called "gurus"
[Adam Montana] I chat HERE on DV because I know the mods here don't twist my words
[Adam Montana] so if you want to find my chats, don't read them on other sites
[Adam Montana] next - the IMF did NOT release an RV rate
[Adam Montana] I don't know where these guys come up with that "intel"
[Adam Montana] but it didn't happen yet
[Adam Montana] HOWEVER for the first time since 2009 - TWO THOUSAND NINE - the auction rates changed at the CBI

[Adam Montana] December 31 2008 the auction rate was 1180
[Adam Montana] Jan 1 2009 the rate was 1170... and it STAYED PUT until this week
[Adam Montana] it moved NOT A TINY BIT for 3 whole years
[Adam Montana] if that's not proof that the CBI is in 100% control of their currency, nothing is
[Adam Montana] (it is! It's amazing proof!)
[Adam Montana] now after THREE years the currency moves, and this means one of two things.
[Adam Montana] A: The currency is going to KEEP moving, and it could happen at a VERY fast rate. If it's going to move to a $1 mark, or even $1.13 like those articles are saying - it's not going to happen 10 pips at a time. It's going to go FAST.
[Adam Montana] or
[Adam Montana] B: It will stay at 1166 for 3 more years like it did last time
[Adam Montana] (sorry to throw that out there, but as always.... this isn't the pump 'n' smoke show, it's a realistic view on the Iraqi Dinar
[Adam Montana] now
[Adam Montana] I think A is MUCH more likely... they have so much good stuff going on right now it's insane
[Adam Montana] the HCL draft has been AGREED UPON AND READ. Only once to my knowledge, but we could see this go into effect as early as tomorrow (Thursday Jan 19)
[Adam Montana] Chapter 7 is not lifted, but Kuwait is backing off and there is STRONG evidence showing support in favor of lifting it completely
[Adam Montana] now, as soon as EITHER of those items happens, we are on defcon 12, hang on to the edge of your seat
[Adam Montana] that's the current situation. kcw, can you give me this weeks questions?

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[kcw] simon8957 What is your take on the cbi rate change from 1170 which as you know has been that rate for years then today (Tuesday) it changes to 1166. Does this indicate that it's free floating now??? cgbrown Is the move of rate of exchange from 1170 to 1166 (on the currency auction page) significant or just temporary? Ateam Adam, what is the deal with the CBI website? People are talking about the rate changing a little on the site. What does this mean right now? Currency float? idplzr Adam, There has been much buzz and discussion on the daily auction rate change from 1170 to 1166. What is your take on the auction change?
[Adam Montana] Thanks
[Adam Montana] that is actually a few questions, but you readers can see they are all similar
[Adam Montana] I already went over this, so I'll summarize it now by saying this is AWESOME for us. I'm thrilled to see this movement, even though it may look like a small movement... I see a big step being taken here
[Adam Montana] next please!
[kcw] vietnam1969 Hi Adam Is there any possibility that our investment in this venture could go south? Please be honest and blunt. Thank you. skitealwedrop Hi Adam, Would you please reiterate that investing in IQD is currency speculation and should treated as such? Thanks in advance. Ski RVCardinal Hello Adam. I do try to stay positive and hope for Iraq to RV their currency at 10 cents or higher. I feel it is important to weigh all possibilites. This is the reason for my question. If there is a bunny-ear do you think we will have trouble getting rid of the dinar we have?
[Adam Montana] That was also 3 separate questions, but they are all similar
[Adam Montana] I'm here to answer honestly, not play the "Smoke n Pump" game
[Adam Montana] yes, this could go south. Yes, this is a speculative investment and should be treated as such. NO, do not spend your rent money on Dinar!
[Adam Montana] And finally, in my opinion
[Adam Montana] in the worst case scenario we see a l0p of the currency, we break even, and in that case I don't believe we will have a problem recouping our investment
[Adam Montana] nobody likes to hear those things
[Adam Montana] but you asked, and I answered.
[Adam Montana] next please!
[kcw] Ateam What is your opinion on the three cycle process that will end toward the end of 2013? The article stated something that sounded like we will break even on our return. What is your thoughts on this?
[Adam Montana] That's a great question
[Adam Montana] I have a two part answer
[Adam Montana] first, we've seen it so many times there must be some validity to it
[Adam Montana] second, if they are planning on RVing tomorrow they will never publish THAT information
[Adam Montana] they will publish the opposite
[Adam Montana] 2013 is pretty "opposite" of "tomorrow"
[Adam Montana] so my thought process tells me that I can't put too much stock in any one single article. Rather, I have to look at the big picture and the FACTS
[Adam Montana] I went over those in the beginning of this chat, and I think those FACTS disagree with a 2013 end game
[Adam Montana] next please!
[kcw] Greedisgood You have mentioned before that you believe the IQD will be somehow tied to the USD ? Why would (they do this rather than stay away from the USD?)
[Adam Montana] another good question!
[Adam Montana] from what I know and have heard from people both at banks in Iraq, government positions, and more - they are completely prepared to release new denominations
[Adam Montana] however.... they can't possibly have those new denominations waiting at all the banks in Iraq ahead of time
[Adam Montana] it would be a huge tip off when the word got out, and cause a major run on dinar, which would cripple the CBIs ability to manage the rate after the RV is announced
[Adam Montana] basically, it could ruin everything
[Adam Montana] there are a lot of reasons to tie the value to the USD, but this one is one of the biggest
[Adam Montana] if they RV at exactly 1:1, they can use USD to make change while the lower IQD denoms are being brought out
[Adam Montana] this allows the CBI to avoid that rush to buy IQD before the RV is announced
[Adam Montana] and basically gives them more control over the situation
[Adam Montana] obviously they would want to get the USD back OUT of circulation as quick as possible
[Adam Montana] but it makes sense to use the USD as a TOOL to help logistically
[Adam Montana] hope that helps
[Adam Montana] next please!
[kcw] 1risktaker Greetings Adam: question: Should the Islamic (Lunar Calendar) that is used in the Middle East have any effect on the Calendar we use (Gregorian/Julian). There is a 6 day difference in their days compared to ours. Example; When we had our New Year's Day on the 1st, it was already the 6th of January according to their calendar. So when we talk about Parliament meeting returning on the 17th our Tues..it was already the 22nd their time on the same Tues. Do they use the Islamic Calendar in thier schedule of events.? Have we scheduled all of the events to our calendar?
[Adam Montana] hmm....
[Adam Montana] interesting view
[Adam Montana] Iraq doesn't have a time machine. so "today" is still "today" over there.
[Adam Montana] however, there is one thing that bothers me
[Adam Montana] about Iraq's calendar
[Adam Montana] it seems they have a version of Groundhog Day
[Adam Montana] the only difference is they have it once a week instead of once a year
[Adam Montana] I think it's called "Just Kidding about the RV Day"
[Adam Montana] next please
[kcw] J.F. This is a week of high possibility WHY?
[Adam Montana] everything is piling up this week
[Adam Montana] with two more readings of the HCL it can be published
[Adam Montana] they are voting on (hopefully) a whole stack of bills tomorrow
[Adam Montana] Kuwait is backing off
[Adam Montana] the UN is stepping up
[Adam Montana] on and on and on
[Adam Montana] this much news hasn't occured in months!
[Adam Montana] of course - it could all be delayed as usual
[Adam Montana] and honestly, it probably will
[Adam Montana] but I'll happily admit I was wrong on that last note
[Adam Montana] next please!
[kcw] simon8957 Over the corse of the last week or so there have been numerous monetary articles, including the supposed passing of the erbil what is your take and is this all just "smoke and mirrors"?
[Adam Montana] I don't see any smoke and mirrors right now, I see good solid progress
[Adam Montana] next please!
[kcw] TVdinar Have there been any more readings of the HCL? If not, I am sure the DinarVet nation would be happy to kick in enough $$$$ to send you to Iraq to read it for them!!!

[Adam Montana] Not that I'm aware of, and I'd be happy to go read it to them!
[Adam Montana] next please!

[kcw] SgtFuryUSCZ ***/// Would you advise total cash-in when it first appears, or hold some back and speculate it'll go up even more before the 3-yr break off (heck, or maybe even rise like crazy before the 10-yr deadline...) I've heard different 'windows' (time frames) for cash-in. Please elaborate. Thankin' ya kindly.
[Adam Montana] unfortunately it's impossible to answer that question now without knowing what the rate will be, or how stable the government will be, etc
[Adam Montana] based on the rate and the situation
[Adam Montana] you'll want to weigh those options and do what you feel is best
[Adam Montana] but you do NOT want to run straight to the closest bank and cash in
[Adam Montana] let the other fools take that course.
[Adam Montana] next please!
[kcw] sxsess Hi Adam, When the CBI talks about retiring the larger denoms, what demons are they talking about? I'm sure they are wanting to get rid of the 25K's. But what about the 5K's & 1K's?
[Adam Montana] if there is a lopping of the 0's, it will affect all bills with 3 0's. It will also affect every other bill currently in circulation
[Adam Montana] that's why it really makes no sense to pay more money for lower denoms
[Adam Montana] if you want some just to have them, great - but don't fall for the hype that a 10k might be safer than a 25k.
[Adam Montana] next please!
[kcw] GameChanger Adam, With the YEARS of information, the years of …”It’s gonna be Monday” (not from you though), things look great to RV this month, to… Ch7 release / Budget Approval / HCL Agreement … etc. Why would the rest of the world NOT know about the potential RV?
[Adam Montana] Well, Iraq isn't going to announce it on CNN or BBC! Those that know about it either like the investment or they don't, and there's people in both categories all over the world.
[Adam Montana] Iraq obvoiously wants to pay as little as possible for an RV
[Adam Montana] so they would be foolish to announce the intention
[Adam Montana] next please!
[kcw] rickmad38 Hi Adam, question is did Saleh of CBI actually say last week that RV would be $1.13 and it would happen before end of 2012? thanks for all you do for us, Rick
[Adam Montana] that $1.13 rate has been passed around a lot
[Adam Montana] he did not specifically say the RV would be released this week at that rate
[Adam Montana] but like I said, it's been out there a lot. There is some substance to it, but we can only wait and see
[Adam Montana] next please!
[kcw] Hawaii 50 Hi Adam, With all of these allegations against Maliki Will they hold an bearing on the the passing of the laws that can directly effect the Rv process?
[Adam Montana] Hawaii 50, that's just how politics work over there
[Adam Montana] I don't see anything more concerning than a peacock fanning it's tail and strutting across the yard
[Adam Montana] next please!
[kcw] Patriotic_mess Hi Adam. Someone forget to tell the Packers they only get a first round bye week! I need an RV to cheer me up after that ugly game. Do you think the CBI will change the rate during their banking hours or could they do it in the middle of the night. Or is this even something that can be speculated on? Thanks.
[Adam Montana] It could happen either way! I think it's more likely that they would choose either the beginning or the end of the week, though.
[Adam Montana] They start on Sunday. In my opinion, it will be announced on a Saturday night, rate will be in effect Sunday morning.
[Adam Montana] unfortunately, that means most of us will have no choice but to watch the news for an entire day before any of our banks open
[Adam Montana] but
[Adam Montana] that's just my opinion
[Adam Montana] next please!
[kcw] chess must most, or all, of their daily terrorist events upon each other cease, before any ultimate rv can take place?
[Adam Montana] no. There is no ruling, request, regulation, or other sanctions that address "any or all terrorist events upon each other"
[Adam Montana] and if it isn't in the rulebook, it doesn't have to happen.
[Adam Montana] next please!
[kcw] OregonHopeful If the Kurds separate and form their own "nation" does that put an end to our potential investment in the IQD? and What do you think a war with Iran (by USA) will do to the RV possibilities?
[Adam Montana] Ok, first the Kurds. If they separate from Iraq, they would form their own currency, and our IQDs will most likely still be used in Iraq.
[Adam Montana] Could it have an effect? Of course. But I seriously doubt Kurdistan is going to separate.
[Adam Montana] next: Iran. Although it's a neighbor to Iraq, I don't think the US bombing Iran into the stone ages will have an adverse effect on the IQD. In fact, it could be the opposite.
[Adam Montana] regardless, that's all super-tangent speculation. Iran is Iran, not Iraq
[Adam Montana] next please!
[kcw] willy1der Hello Adam, Do you think the new sanctions on Iran could affect us as speculators? The new sanctions says we can't do business with firms that do business with Iran's central bank, that being said, if Iraq continues to do business with Iran (possibly their central bank) can this affect us or undermine the EO that allows us to speculate? Thanks
[Adam Montana] Nope, see above
[Adam Montana] next please!
[kcw] vietnam1969 Good morning Adam, With all the tension building up with Iran concerning the blockage of the Strait of Hormuz, what do you think the neighboring countries of Iraq will do if something should happen between the US and Iran? This must affect the dinar in someway or the other. I am sure that these countries have invested in this. IYO could this hold up the RV should it happen soon? Thank you for your time.
[Adam Montana] Dang, another duplicate. Sorry! Next please!
[kcw] Benelli Thanks for everything, Adam. Recently there have been several articles referring to the 3 phases of the deletion of zeros. The second of which, which we are supposedly in, is the printing of new currency. It was my understanding that the new currency was already printed with the Kurdish language included. Can you confirm or deny through your CBI contacts whether or not the new currency has been printed. I thought I remembered you stating it was in the past, but not sure. If, in fact it has been printed and waiting for release, could tell us where we are in the "process".
[Adam Montana] To my knowledge, the new currencies have been printed, are ready for distribution, and they are set to print anything they might need.
[Adam Montana] however
[Adam Montana] if you read my earlier statements on the currency and why it could be pegged to the dollar
[Adam Montana] you'll understand that there are severe logisitcal issues in getting these notes out to the public
[Adam Montana] and it would be foolish of them to advertise the new notes, anticipated rate, exchange policies, or anything else like that
[Adam Montana] I know that doesn't help much, but that's where we stand.
[Adam Montana] thanks for the question
[Adam Montana] next please!
[kcw] oilfan Adam, why do you think all these other Countries forgave Iraq and said Iraq does not need to repay their debt?
[Adam Montana] some of the debt was forgiven out of good will. Some of the debt was not really "forgiven", but traded for "options" on new contracts
[Adam Montana] and some of it was just abandoned because it makes more sense to write off debt sometimes
[Adam Montana] the good news is that "why" doesn't matter. The fact that it is done is good for us. With the majority of their debt out of the picture, they can focus on increasing the value.
[Adam Montana] good question! next please!
[kcw] nemesis760 Adam- I have heard grumblings that the IQD is supposed to be the strongest currency in M.E., is it possible the rate meets the KD within two years? Given the rate of natural resources.
[Adam Montana] The Iraqi's are very proud people, and yes they grumble about how it should be the stongest in the region
[Adam Montana] I doubt they will exceed Kuwait's rate for quite some time
[Adam Montana] they have made great progress, but not quite that much.
[Adam Montana] don't let the $7 RV bafoons sway your opinion. Those are ridiculous numbers
[Adam Montana] a dime is reasonable, a dollar is possible, $3 will never happen, and $7 is something that could get you thrown in RV Rehab
[Adam Montana] next please
[kcw] HisHands Thank you first for your time Adam. I have noticed in the last few days that it seems like Kuwait and Iraq are now becoming best buddies. All of a sudden Kuwait is agreeing to help Iraq out of Chapter VII and backing off of a lot of what stood between them and Iraq in the past. What is your take in this sudden change in attitude? If Kuwait really does make good on its not standing in the way of Iraq's removal from Chapter VII, do you think that the UN will make the decision to lift the remaining sanctions immediately?
[Adam Montana] I think exactly that.
[Adam Montana] Kuwait has had less and less of a "voice" at the table in this matter over the last 12-18 months
[Adam Montana] but they have a voice nonetheless
[Adam Montana] it's entirely possible that they are seeing greater value to "joining" a winning team
[Adam Montana] instead of trying to "own" the team
[Adam Montana] so, with their added support... we are sitting pretty
[Adam Montana] that was the last one, thank you all for the polite room... it's amazing we can packa few hundred people in here and yet week after week still have so much respect. I love this community for that
[Adam Montana] happy Wednesday!
Topic: open floor

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