#Rumors 09/05/12 FB groups

"membr sy ada pergi mc kat putrajaya memang rate dkt situ tulis 1iqd-3.5 usd tapi tak bolh tukar lagi sebab bnm tak bg kebenaran lagi tapi membr sy nak tangkap gambr mc tak bg yg hairannye bila membr sy nak beli iqd. diorang jual lg.........."

"Ade kwn di page lain da comfirmksn bhwa rate kat MC presient 15 putrajaya da ltk rat 1IQD= 3.5 Usd...ble pegi chek esok....dkt dgn mydin katenye...owner llki ngn pmpn india muslim...just bg info....yg bank sume td info benar..."

‎5-8-2012 Delta: On TV in Iraq they are talking about getting out of Chapter 7 right NOW. Everyone is happy, Chapter 7 issue is resolved, Shabibi to move on currency, the people see that they are going to start to make money finally, Pres O just signed EO to control US money going to Iran and syria, but not IRAQ. When Shabibi was in Switzerland he signed off on deal to release very large amount of money to go to IRAQ to handle the REVALUE OF THE DINAR, the money is in IRAQ NOW!!

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