Aikk? Biar betul ni

Many High Ranking Bank Officials CEOs have resigned worldwide in the past week/ten days.

What does this mean economically, politically, morally?

Here are the articles. No particular order. Date of publication, then the title (with link). So here goes.

2-15-12: World Bank President Zoellick Resigns World Bank President Zoellick Resigns | Business |

2-16-12: CFO of ANZ Bank Resigns Amid Turmoil CFO of ANZ Bank Resigns Amid Turmoil | Proformative

2-14-12: Nicaragua Central Bank Head Quits Amid Row Nicaragua Central Bank Head Quits Amid Row - Bloomberg

2-17-12: Credit Suisse’s Private Bank Chief Asian Economist Tan Resigns Credit Suisse’s Private Bank Chief Asian Economist Tan Resigns - Businessweek

2-18-12: Embarrassment for Merkel as German president resigns in disgrace after trying to bag the press (okay, not a bank president, but a president, noetheless)German President Christian Wulff 'forced to resign' | Mail Online

2-16-12: Andrew Chick to lead Royal Bank of Scotland’s Australian arm Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

2-13-12: Kuwait central bank chief resigns amid political tensions Kuwait central bank chief resigns amid political tensions - The Washington Post

2-15-12: Slovenia’s Two Biggest Banks’ CEOs Step Down as Woes Mount Slovenia

2-06-12: Dhanlaxmi Bank CEO Amitabh Chaturvedi quits Dhanlaxmi Bank CEO Amitabh Chaturvedi quits - Corporate News -

2-10-12: Tamilnad Mercantile Bank MD resigns Tamilnad Mercantile Bank MD resigns

2-17-12: Blankfein out as Goldman Sachs CEO by summer? (not an actual resignation, but a possible pending one)Blankfein out as Goldman Sachs CEO by summer? - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

2-16-12: Arrests in Olympus Scandal Point to Widening Inquiry Into a Cover-Up

Ni semua orang2 besar yang keje bank ni,mcm pelik je diorg brenti..ramai plak tu..
Banyak stok IQD ke?hehe
RV dah dekat sangat kot..


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