Dinar Recaps - Our Blog: A.Q / POPPY3 / BGG & MEMBERS CHAT - Post By Mona Lisa Dinar Updates

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A.Q / POPPY3 / BGG & MEMBERS CHAT - Post By Mona Lisa Dinar Updates
Jan 5th 2012, 23:49

_ Chat with BGG, Poppy3, and A.Q  -- VERY LONG READ INCLUDING - PARTS 1 - 2 & 3
Posted By Mona Lisa

    Jan 5 9:32 AM [BGG] Hey gang - just stopping by for a minute - I have to be out for the rest of the day. Got a lot of work to be doing. Have fun, stay positive and BE ON THE LOOK-OUT!!

    Jan 5 9:32 AM [BGG]

    Jan 5 9:32 AM [sappho] BGG CODED Enjoy your day

    Jan 5 9:33 AM [BGG] sappho - Oh yeah :{ this is about to get real fun for me lol

    9:36 AM [david7] BGG if this is going to get real fun what new info if any have u received?

    9:55 AM [glryan11] someone on jonny site said IMF has not updated and usually does by midnight? but iqd is not on list??

    9:55 AM [A.Q] check with your own tax person I am just posting what I have researched and know to be true
Read More Link on Right
    9:58 AM [newmonies] Central China sets the yuan exchange rate at a record new high 04/01/2012 10:2. China's central bank set the price is likely to trade the yuan on Wednesday at 6.3001 against the U.S. dollar. This is the highest level ever for the price is likely to trade the yuan since China allowed its currency to rise in 2005. Can the exchange rate of the dollar / yuan to fluctuate up or down by up to 5.0 percent of the price is likely to trade every day http://www.dinarupdates. ··· new-high

    9:58 AM [laurie] A.Q> do you agree with Poppy3 that we will see this today at the banks?????????

    9:59 AM [templejc] A.Q ::: Could you comment on the post that newmonies brought in. We were discussing it last evening - would like your thoughts

    10:02 AM [hurricane] A.Q :: If I'm reading the China article right, is the yuan "pegged" or "pinned" (what the right term is) to the USD? If so, is that part of why folks are saying that the IQD will be tied with the GBP?

    10:03 AM [Poppy3] laurie i was told the rate would not show today at the banks till after 10pm tonight when the last banks in hawaii . this was not confirmed but I posted this tuesday afternoon. hang on all is said to be finished and ready lets just pray they followed through and completed all the agreements. POPPY3

    10:06 AM [highhopes] Thanks AQ and Poppy3-I am seriously getting excited today!!!!

    10:06 AM [A.Q] good morning poppy I was called that they IRAQ did pass 11 laws yesterday but the article said second reading of stamps=tariffs was postponed..........that is what we want ........i feel at this point all is legal now waiting for the last of the i's and t;s to be done...............

the fact rates went back to nov when they started dropping in the rates is a big factor from what i was told a while back a figure has to be in to change it up............your thought?

    10:14 AM [Poppy3] A.Q so far i can't make a solid comment on the old rates being back in. I haven't been aprized of the process on that end.

I am glad to hear they passed everything . As i stated yesterday i had been told that yes they all where in good cheer and seemed to all be happy about the progress and that here even laughing after coming out of meetings.

I did not get any news about the financial meeting that was held with the imf yesterday with dr shabibi. I guess we will know thise resulta if the rv is released. Poppy3

    It is my understanding there will be no pegging of the IQD to the GBP...
    It will be the posted rate period..
    Amazing how greed clouds the mind..
    Just sit tight it is coming and we are closer now than ever before..

    10:25 AM [Poppy3] Rich friends i do believe we are in the final countdown just like the apollo space launch and they have lit the fires and kicked the tires.

The pilot has been lit so now all we do is monitor the countdown had hope the fires don't go out and they don't scrub the mission.

I pray blessing af abundance to all and favor with all the people in charge that they agree and find much happiness for the iraq people. I pray that christian missions can begin the teachings there and eduacate the people of iraq about the true and living god jesus christ. In jesus name we pray amen.

    10:27 AM [A.Q] mona on the yuan pegged or pinned both china is flip flopping why us is mad over it but here is a peice of an article from 2009 explaining it better China sets the yuan's value based on a narrow range of fluctuation against a basket of currencies, including the dollar, euro, yen and won, and does not disclose the different weights assigned to each currency.

 But, using new statistical methods that take into account concurrently the movements in exchange rates among the reference currencies, the change in the weighting of each foreign currency over time can be inferred.

What Harvard economist Jeffrey Frankel has found is that, after Beijing de-pegged from the dollar in 2005, the yuan eventually became equally weighted between the dollar and the euro

    10:30 AM [Poppy3] Ok guys i got to run across town bbl today Poppy3

    10:32 AM [lobster] A.Q : When you say "when the banks are closed" are you saying banks on the east coast , central, pacific or Hawaii. Thanks

    10:36 AM [A.Q] Lobster I think it was poppy that mentioned that but i have heard when all us banks are closed leads us to hawaii also but my main contact said NOTHING HAS to be closed to pop it................all were open when kuwait rv'd on a wed afternoon but that was only one currency so this is a major ordeal time will tell

    10:38 AM [lobster] A.Q : Thank you so much for your answer and all the work you do to help us get a handnle on this. GO RV!

    10:42 AM [honugirl] Wow, newmonies was posting articles early this morning!!!

****************ADDED***POSTED BY MONA  LISA********************
Morning Chat with A.Q ... Member Chat 1/5/11 Part 1

    10:45 AM [lobster] A.Q : You said in a post last night your info. is saying 7-8.18. Do you still feel that rate range is close?

    10:46 AM [A.Q] yes as much as I can not fathom it that is it but could still be more who knows only the moneychangers.....

    10:47 AM [lobster] A.Q : Show me the MONEY!

    10:47 AM [A.Q] no SHOW ME THE MONEY............louder..........SHOW ME THE MONEY......i said louder............S H O W M E T H E MONEY!

    10:48 AM [lobster] A.Q : I don't know about you, but I'm ready to get on with life and bless others!

    10:52 AM [suez] Gm all...AQ how is the "miwitw" this morning...LOL. couldnt sleep with your words ringing in my head last with all great opportunities ahead!

    10:54 AM [A.Q] All is well suez....................stay positive and let it shine let shine......he is ready to do WILD AND WONDERFUL THINGS.....and I dont mean just making us millionaires..........though I find without it here on earth is is hard to HELP many.....................

    10:57 AM [honugirl] BBL....gotta go work. I would much rather stay and play!

    10:57 AM [A.Q] sorry honugirl shortly dear very shortly......go with a smile it will be over before you know it

    10:58 AM [AZMike] A.Q ...thanks for sharing your information. It coincides with information that I received Tuesday night. We need to remain calm, be patient and keep our sense of humor about us.

    10:59 AM [OfCourse13] A.Q Can you give the cliff notes of the news this am? Sorry

    11:00 AM [A.Q] Great AZMIKE...........we are putting out an all points bulletin for the dinar now......................nothing yet.....

    11:01 AM [AZMike] A.Q...well, we'll just have keep looking. It's out there somewhere

    11:01 AM [A.Q] UPDATES: Poppy is still hearing after banks close tonight for tomorrow......I know from months ago that the forex instilling the old rates is a plus...........so all GO for today.........make way.......with a smile!

    11:02 AM [Dinarnewbie] Yesterday I believe Double B was saying something about putting all your money in an interest free bank account. That is insured. While you are trying to figure a long term plan. He said he had a website. Anyone know anything about this?

    11:02 AM [DOUBLE B] not a website
    11:02 AM [DOUBLE B] the fdic

    11:02 AM [SirDr] ME banks Are already closed today, right? (Or do they remain open longer than here?)

    11:02 AM [DOUBLE B] I will get it for you when I get back
    11:03 AM [DOUBLE B] some bankers don't even know it, I had to send it to mine at 1st Convenience


    11:03 AM [DOUBLE B] unlimited
    11:03 AM [DOUBLE B] with a non interest account

    11:04 AM [lobster] Dinarnewbie : The FDIC insurance was up to an "unlimited amount" on a non interest account for the years 2011 & 2012. The limit was $250,000.00. I wonder why they did that?

    11:05 AM [OfCourse13] I don't get why it has to be non-interest. Who wants to have NO interest?

    11:05 AM [templejc] lobster - until the end of 2012 the NON - INTEREST checking accounts are insured unlimitted. The bank says 250,000 but go to the FDIC web page and you will find out - the info is there.


    11:06 AM [Bamagirl] Gm everyone. I need that info on non interest accts too. Talked to several banks and credit union and not one knew anything about non interest account. All said $250k was insured limit.

    11:07 AM [kyletx] lobster the problem is the FDIC can take 100 years to pay you back your money...LITERALLY! it is smart to buy private insurance to cover all of your accounts.



    11:09 AM [General-C] I am hearing rates should drop in this afternoon...

    11:10 AM [A.Q] GENERAL-C...........GOOD MORNING.......many different thoughts on that some saying after banks close......i am of the opinion before when the market updates today but what do I know........

    11:11 AM [General-C] All sounds good....thx

    11:11 AM [OfCourse13] A.Q What time does the market update today...just in case?

    11:11 AM [david7] Bamagirl. Non interest bearing accts being fully insured until dec1, 2012 are part of thr dodd-frank bill. If the bank doesn't know ask them if u can open account in non interst. If they don't want to do that come to tenn, banks here know what is going on ha

    11:11 AM [kyletx] lobster I agree...but I am going to buy private insurance on all of my investments also. Like A rated or better, insured, muni bonds.

    11:12 AM [lobster] kyletx : Thanks for your info.

    11:12 AM [Bamagirl] David7....THANK YOU!

    11:13 AM [kyletx] You can have a checking account with one of the large banking companies like Merril Lynch and it can be insured for basically an unlimited amount...better than FDIC ins.

    11:13 AM [lobster] kyletx : Are you thinking Loyd's of London?

    11:13 AM [kyletx] lobster yes and Berksher Hathaway and a few others that you can trust.

    11:14 AM [Bamagirl] Kyletx....thought I would talk to my Ed Jones guy about thT.

*********************ADDED ** POST BY MONA LISA******************
Member Chat 1/5/11 Part 2

    11:15 AM [lobster] kyletx : Can a bank help me with that info. on extra insurance, or do I have to contact somone else?

    11:15 AM [kyletx] Bamagirl they should be good. just check their rating BUT make sure you have private insurance so if the bank fails you will get ALL of your money back.

    11:16 AM [kyletx] lobster a private banker who is used to dealing with large accounts should be able to make recommendations.

    11:16 AM [OfCourse13] A.Q A.Q What time does the market update? TY

    11:16 AM [lobster] kyletx : Don't you feel that with all of this NEW money coming into the banks, that the FDIC will be strengthened?

    11:17 AM [david7] Kyletx is right, also, if you have your cash in a money market account make sure it is not tied to any European debt

    11:17 AM [kyletx] lobster I am sure they will but again they can take 100 years to repay any losses. private insurance will repay your losses very quickly.

    11:18 AM [Sugar Pie] Bamagirl This is a link to FDIC info that talks about non interest accounts being insured no matter the amount... http://www.fdic.gov/deposit/deposits...is_english.pdf Hope it helps you

    11:18 AM [lobster] kyletx : OK, thanks so much for info.

    11:18 AM [Bamagirl] Sugar pie....THANKS!

    11:18 AM [Sugar Pie] Bamagirl YW!

    11:20 AM [lobster] Also, in addition to the FDIC insurance being raise, the IRS has changed its lifetime gifting limit from 1 million to 5 million for the years 2011 & 2012. I wonder why they did that also.

    11:22 AM [repairman] you know some have sugested that in negotiations with the bank you can have them buy an isurance policy for your dinar through loydes of londen for example, and negotiate a interest rate they pay you, It is legal to put you money in forigein banks you just want to make sure they are basil 3 complient,you just have to fill out a form so the gov knows where every penny of your wealth abroad is (after all you are owned by the US gov)

    11:23 AM [Dinarnewbie] I guess I am just wondering if I can just use my regular checking account to deposit my first exchange. Until I get everything else situated?

    11:23 AM [kyletx] I'm going to make it VERY clear to my lawyer, my banker and my investment people how important this money is to my family and how many years I have worked to get to this position and if I lose one red cent I will KILL them where they sit (only kinda kidding).

    11:23 AM [OfCourse13] kyletx

    11:26 AM [8th1der] missed most of the conversation about FDIC but here's a few things I know. the FDIC helps in the bank goes insolvent. 1) So unless something happens to your bank, you "generally" would be ok to have more than 250K in an account. 2) Some banks have multiple "charters" that allow you to set up one account under Charter A, one account under Charter B, etc so you can spread your risk. that way 1 bank can hold more than 250K all insured. (cont)....

    11:27 AM [vision] kyletx I have said the same thing to my financial counselor - lose one dime and I am coming to your office

    11:28 AM [8th1der] ...(cont) 3) you can often set up multiple insured accounts with diff account holders and/or beneficiaries to spread your risk as well. so i could set up an account in my name as one, one for my wife in another, (and MAYBE another with my kids as recipients). another way to spread risk and be under FDIC for more than 250K. but talk to your bank / CU for sure to see what they offer

    11:28 AM [ajpalm] 8th1der...good comments, as a banker of 26 years, you are on the spot...

    11:30 AM [suez] 8th...if you only get one wire, should you do the one wire into one account and then immediately transfer to multiple accounts as you said above?

    11:31 AM [repairman] kyletx I read your post about merry lynch and others consider MF global going down and NOBODY stopping them from seizing accounts to this very DAY. they were private accounts like the bank and nobody has yet been given their money!!!! be careful and caucious because even our government not brining these crooks to justice

    11:31 AM [Bamagirl] Good bank info from everyone. I'm not a doomsdayer vut with some of the info posted over the past months we should be VERY CAREFUL. One post said DO NOT invest in anything for 30 days to give dust time to settle on banks and USD.

    11:31 AM [8th1der] suez. i will be sending all to a "newly created" personal account initially, then moving it to other accounts as needed from there. again, unless the bank goes belly up in a few days , you should have no problem moving money after moving to a single account

    11:32 AM [kyletx] vision I have millionaire fiends who have told me over the years that as hard as making the money was KEEPING it is MUCH harder. I won't be taking any chances with this money. if I am independently wealthy why do I need to risk losing my money at all. Like Will Rogers said "I'm more concerned with the return OF my money than I am the return on my money".

*******************ADDED********* POST BY MONA LISA ****************
Member Chat 1/5/11 Part 3

    11:33 AM [8th1der] i personally won't be having DB or whoever i cash in with send it to a bunch of individual accounts. just send to my personal or business checking as appropriate and then go to my bank to move from there. i will NOT be moving my business cash-in to my general operating account though. don't want anyone with access to that to suddenly have more "funds" to pilfer. it's going to another "newly created" account so server mostly as an initial holding account

    11:34 AM [vision] kyletx I hear that I also told my financial counselor that I don't want to be in the stock market - not now. He even told me the stock market would be risky for the next year or more - so we are coming up with different things - like muni bonds etc. He still told me not to get my hopes up BUT call him immediately if it does RV....lol

    11:34 AM [8th1der] but, keep in mind that your "business checking accounts" are not protected the same way as your personal checking acct as far as recovering funds from identity theft, etc. just be careful how you protect your business accounts if applicable

    11:35 AM [david7] As an investor it is my view that you only spend profit not the principal. Set up your investments with the "seed" money.

    11:38 AM [kyletx] vision I will NEVER be in the stock market...too much risk and too much cost and too much manipulation. I am going mainly with "A" rated or better, insured muni bonds. You can have an annual yield of 4 to 5 percent and it is INCOME TAX FREE which makes the yield effectively 7 to 8 percent on a very safe investment..

    11:39 AM [vision] kyletx yep - that is what my counselor said - I like safe investments - I had enough years in my young days of being risky

    11:39 AM [8th1der] suez i believe someone posted in here earlier that closing time in HI is 10pm ET. so if you're looking for "US Closing Bank Time" then it would need to be after that? but since we don't know exactly "when", it could be anytime i suppose....

    11:39 AM [suez] Kyletx...even the interest accrued is income tax free?

    11:39 AM [kyletx] repairman I think the banks are the best place to keep your money but it is imperative to have any and all accounts privately insured by some like Lloyds or Berkshire Hathaway.

    11:41 AM [kyletx] suez check with a knowedgable bond guy but my rich brother-in-law pays no income taxes on his income which is paid to him semi annually and he is invested in tax free muni's.

    11:42 AM [suez] Kyletx...ty will do

    11:43 AM [repairman] kyletx i agree with you have it insured and make the bank where it is deposited insure it and the verify with loydds that they have paid for the policy

    11:47 AM [repairman] question I don't know the answer. can you restrict you accounts so they cannot be acessed online? that is where the greatest risk to theft is

    11:49 AM [rileyjones] repairman If you are talking about banking accounts mine is

    11:51 AM [Rich] This is one of the great talks...now if only...
    11:51 AM [Rich] We get a use for it.
    11:51 AM [ajpalm] Rich... I agree

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