Comments for Iraqi Dinar News: Comment on This can happen any day of the week, including weekends by Shawn Haverstein

Comments for Iraqi Dinar News
Your Source For All Things Dinar
Comment on This can happen any day of the week, including weekends by Shawn Haverstein
Sep 24th 2012, 20:19

anyone but me notice a trend with all the Gurus? They have either completely disappeared, went down to maybe a post a month or the best now….. A majority of them looking at a exchange rate of .30-40 cents. What does this all tell me? The semi intelligent ones are dropping out of the spotlight completely before some fed up dinarian realizes they have been duped & either causes harm to the Guru or their family. The not do smart ones have toned down their posts to one a month in hopes of saving a little face while still making a little $$ with their gullible followers waiting in the wings. The really dumb ones, the ones with huge brass balls, (okie, OOM, bill etc..) they have changed their tune. Now trying to set up their followers for the let down of no RV. How do you do that gently….? Well, you tell them everything has changed, it’s going to happen at a much lower rate- but ROI will still be phenomenal. The gullible followers go out & buy more so they can still be a ‘millionaire’ when it supposedly happens. All this & at the same time they are praising the gurus for their honesty, humility, & knowledge— while the guru is now cashing in even a fatter check because of new sales. Ever wonder why every guru that has disappeared has had a health problem? Because they prey on the faith & emotions of humanity. ‘oh, poor Johnny Wg is I’ll, pray for him’. In reality, Johnny is not ill, except hung over from too many Mai Tais that he bought with his dinar commission check! Am I saying this is not going to happen? NO, but IF it does I don’t see it for a while & no where near the $3-$42 range the idiots have been saying for 9 years. As for the VND- how come nobody ever questions if the dinar is going from 1166 to 1-1, how feasible is it that the VND would go from 20,890 to .10-1? That’s a HUGE jump… Just my food for thought! & as always, Ricky the Retard & Soothsayer, have fun humping each other!

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