Dinar Recaps - Our Blog: Monday 3pm (ET) PTR CC Recording Link, Replay #'s and Call Notes

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Monday 3pm (ET) PTR CC Recording Link, Replay #'s and Call Notes
Jan 2nd 2012, 22:18


760-569-7699 pin 121091#

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95 Minutes

PTR Call – 1-2-12 Tony and Dan

By DebTarHeelGirl


DAN STATES - NEVER have I been in this frame of mind about the dinar than this – we are there folks to see the rate and cash out – news is incredible.

TONY STATES -   I was very relaxed waiting for TUESDAY MORNING I want to emphasize that –TUESDAY MORNING

TONY STATES - EVERY three letter agency – the UST, CIA, FBI Homeland Security this comes from them and we have multiple people within those agencies as well as over-seas in Dubai, Jordan ,Germany, Switzerland and Iraq trading info so we can put this together in a timely manner

TONY STATES - I hear that this RV is happening tomorrow YES – the time is now the economy can’t go on without this – money was transferred over the weekend and people are in position and it is to the GBP which the GBP made a change – I am getting over $7.00+ to the GBP and have been hearing this months and last night and today they are saying its till to the GBP…

DAN STATES – I agree 100% on that number

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_TONY STATES – numbers changed last week - and a time frame to cash out is changed from 3 weeks and it has been cut considerably so make your plans about this and the moment you hear about this do what you have to do that is right – I spent hours and hours on the phone getting this info for you folks

TONY STATES - THIS SHOULD HAPPEN TOMORROW as all the banks are open tomorrow –it was scheduled for last Friday at 5pm eastern and when all are open we are to see this tomorrow

TONY STATES - The Government, various entities, even Christian LaGarde are saying the same thing that we are in the day – it can happen at any minute – they should see this as the banks are showing it now..  we have never had this type of global agreement verbalization… the all strongly believe this is the week…

DAN STATES -  he agrees that we see this happening within this week – we see the IMF recognizing Iraq and the news by all media shows what is happening now… but when they allowed it to be out there. It was a big deal to me. the MOU and Letters of intent, That's new. Really good for us…

TONY STATES -  There was some news yesterday- groups of White House folks are over there more went over there yesterday – not everything is about the RV = it already took place – the RV is already in the system and some people are getting paid now from this RV and we are waiting for tomorrow, Wednesday or Thursday …but I believe its going to be tomorrow… and NOON Iraq on Tuesday he is supposed to make an announcement not sure what about but noon on Tuesday is the next scheduled announcement topic unknown…

TONY STATES -  if this does not happen tomorrow- we are IN THE WEEK for real and I do believe it will be tomorrow….I see absolutely NOTHING stopping this from happening at all….

CALLER States she is asking TONY who stated time to cash out is short –

DAN STATES – Let me answer that - as PTR MEMBERs what we found out is that we can LOCK IN THE RATE… not that anyone else can’t do that either – they may be able to cash out a portion – and wire rest later after you open proper accounts – you will need a letter showing where you purchase the dinar -  TONY STATES that is part of our the 10 items that you needed to have done the right way…. But caller does not have the money yet so TONY SUGGESTS to cash out ONE NOTE and get to an attorney and do this… GO ON TY’s Dinar Banker site and lock your rate and you will have 30 days to go get your money – and you can do that right from his site…

TONY STATES – He had a text – We think you will see it by tomorrow – all indications state its tomorrow nothing holding this up Friday it went live at THEIR LEVEL and none was traded between countries trillions transferred – appointments were made and special people were paid out and over the weekend…


TONY STATES - Expecting tomorrow really – I DO NOT seeing anything to stop it – Dan says this week and will see this all is positive, positive and if not tomorrow it will be this week.



DAN STATES  our call today will give you our opinion of what we feel is happening – we delayed the call to get more intel and info – must like we have still heard the same info last two days –  What would you think if you were me, Tony, board members, people in news, talking on validity on IQD? Major entities are stating all about the country and IQD but we are in the week now for real – it’s incredible... NEVER have I been in this frame of mind about the dinar than this – we are there folks to see the rate and cash out – news is incredible.

TONY STATES -   I was very relaxed waiting for TUESDAY MORNING I want to emphasize that –TUESDAY MORNING – this whole time – last week the tax form is not to be filed for end year of year 2011 – its Jan 15 or April 15th depending on which category – DUE TO IT NOT REVALUEING ON DEC 31, 2011 THEY ONES WHO AUDIT YOUR TAXES TOLD ME – THAT FORM, IT WAS FORMED TO TRACK THIS CURRENCY ONLY -  IT CAME FROM WITHIN THE SYSTEM

TONY STATES - EVERY three letter agency – the UST, CIA, FBI Homeland Security this comes from them and we have multiple people within those agencies as well as over seas in Dubai, Jordan ,Germany, Switzerland and Iraq trading info so we can put this together in a timely manner – it did NOT happen Before 12-31-11 at all – THAT WAS THE US GOAL to have had it happen by then = in Oct and Dec 1st but the plan changed -  the one put this together 8 years are not the same people finishing it today – and all the 8 year old agreements are not in the same situation today so they allow them to renegotiate things as this happens in business – running a country is a business so understand that – be flexible to let things work for the best for everyone – this entire year we saw this on the whole global level…TONY States – there was a video dealing with the new world economy, the changes coming articles were out today our economy is going ot change – our procedures will change things they were working on we will see changes in our economy = the powers that be asked me to tell folks about this on a scale but its not the folks you are used to telling you these things it’s a whole group of people saying this – they are trying to increase the 1% of the rich to 2-3% of the millionaires and they are trying to get US to switch sides and be with them on changing the banking systems the R/E systems and loan systems – the haves and have-nots we are still looking at that –

TONY STATES – remember what Rich Queen states – its not that bad as fast as she said it but the possibility it can come – Nov Dec historic event took place as to how many Multiple guns were sold in America – this is not to scare you this shows things are changing.

TONY STATES - I hear that this RV is happening tomorrow YES – the time is now the economy can’t go on without this – money transferred over the weekend and people are in position and with the GBP made a change – I am getting over $7.00+ to the GBP and have been hearing this months and last night and today they are saying its till to the GBP…

DAN STATES – I agree 100% on that number

TONY STATES – numbers changed last week - and a time frame to cash out is changed from 3 weeks and it has been cut considerably so make your plans about this and the moment you hear about this do what you have to do that is right – I spent hours and hours on the phone getting this info for you folks – Dan – Gary and we try to fit this in from DIFFERENT people from different countries and we match this right and wrong and you need to now look a little bit and see if this make sense and see the entire world currencies are being reset – this is most unusual – this is happening which is changing all that you have seen before… THOSE financial bankers that say this is impossible they do not know they are not in the inner circle and they do not know that the WHOLE THING will change not just Iraq or an RV or one country lots of things are going to change.

Those of you doing this for a whole year and folks laughed at you – friends family, and we want to call them idiots – well those other bankers financial people economists they are just bigger idiots – the are traditionalists – change is a coming they will see  - if you aren't ready, you better get ready – trying to give yu info to do the right thing

TONY STATES - THIS SHOULD HAPPEN TOMORROW as all the banks are open tomorrow –it was scheduled for last Friday at 5pm eastern and when all are open we are to see this tomorrow look at the articles today – Maliki dropped leaflets across the nation there they are a free nation and Only 157 soldiers left and they are at embassy - Iraq can do all what they want...the USA give them their country back..

DAN STATES – I do not believe all the new so called gurus - We stuck our necks out there, you know I don't believe all contacts. If you look at info they put out there its ridiculous… we work to make contacts and relationships and flew some in and we don’t talk about that and verified 5 ways to Sunday… When you go to that effort, even relationship with Dinar Banker, they will help us through this process.  It's supposed to keep people in game. I can't take any more burden on myself without fun at this point. It's almost over..  The Government, various entities, even Christian LeGarde are saying the same thing that we are in the day – it can happen at any minute – they should see this as the banks are showing it now..  we have never had this type of global agreement verbalization… the all strongly believe this is the week and you can’t dispute if u are reading the news can u agree to that Gary…

GARY STATES - Let's go back a year. We didn't have all the entities that are currently here… Banks, financial advisors, etc. the news and media out there, on Sunday FOX discussed the revaluation of currency globally and specifically IQD… never seen it before! As we get closer more evidence happening. We are talking about remember hot/cold as kids? … s we get closer to point, this is not a game. We are looking at evidence, more and more every day. Not just dinarians talking about it. People in news, Everybody is pushing, people at IMF saying they have to do something… You haven't heard people addressing that 1-2 years ago. Now everyone talking about it. Happening tomorrow? Can't give you day/hours, but I can tell you it is happening, everything pointing to it…. More and more excitement…. feel sorry for those that look for it every hour.. OUR CONTACTS are all getting excited here and over seas contacts – all are now saying its within the time for this now.   Could this happen tonight?  NO fireworks will go out and no banks will send an email out to you – when Kuwait did this currency adjustment hardly anyone knew about this – we are there folks either today or tomorrow and if it goes to Friday we are that close do not worry we were there it is going to happen.

DAN STATES -  I can’t say tomorrow or bust – but we are giving you what we are hearing from all our sources…. there is really nothing to be upset..i am hoping tomorrow is the conclusion... LOOK at all we are looking at in the public eye and what we are all getting behind the scenes and our back sources are great and they are agreeing with what is in the public now – we are all agreeing that this is over

TONY STATES - I am in a really great mood and the emails today we hear things and see things and now is the time to get your 10 steps ready – not when it takes off – this is ready to happen – we are in 1st quarter this is time for this to take place – now really get ready – I was going to say you have to read on Think and Grow Rich – Jekyll Island – and read Confessions of an Economic Hit Man – Read those, life doesn't follow fiction. Fiction follows life… People look at things, just read those books, it will change way you look

DAN STATES - one of things that makes interesting, the secret to Jekyll Island was eye opener for me… I fell off my chair when he said he thought Federal Reserve was part of government… Ridiculous how this got started. What's happened behind scenes has blown me away… Not where it sits any more. You should look at what's happened in the world around us.

TONY STATES folks don’t know that Federal Reserve is not a Government entity and half of debt is for federal reserve… Out of $14T debt  there is $7Trillion owed to Federal Reserve and half of debt is for federal reserve ..  These are people, they aren't countries. Loan sharking at it's best. Happening every day. Have to be aware of…Banks wanna give me 2% and the banks are making 5% overnight on overnight? I've been aware but not involved in for years. Time to flip around… Global reset is part of that, the reason they let us in, if you know how/when to ask. Part of design.  Global reset is part of that, the reason they let us in, if you know how/when to ask. Part of design …They had to give you and change that 1% to make higher % .. We will benefit.

CALLER -  agrees that we are there –

DAN STATES -  he agrees that we see this happening within this week – we see the IMF recognizing Iraq and the news by all media shows what is happening now… but when they allowed it to be out there. It was a big deal to me. the MOU and Letters of intent, That's new. Really good for us…


DAN STATES - anyone can answer that. I'm not real worried about it myself… I think a lot of government stuff coming out of Iraq is a bunch of bologna… After the fact we will see a lot of this stuff was smoke. Not as much unrest as they say. Always be a power play, that's how they are… Dan's opinion, thinks they are dancing behind the screens … I've been in this 1.5 years. Every month has been close.

CALLER - I expect it any time. The unrest is my only issue. Glad to hear you think it's smoke.

TONY STATES the RV has taken place and the rest of this is government as usual and all countries over there go through stuff like this – their unrest is a way of life – and its all the time –again its a way of life forever and will not change overnight, just given it back and someone has to test the waters and could i lose my dictatorship? and smacked upside the head .. Some things can't be done in public that is done in private. Have to be done over a period of time. There's a bunch of people over there who don't want to see Iraq be like the USA.. They modeled their structure after the US… After RV you'll see half of what you see now. It won't be in news any more…

CALLER - One question I have, is there something said about announcement to be made yesterday and have we heard about it?

TONY STATES -  There was some news yesterday- groups of White House folks are over there more went over there yesterday – not everything is about the RV = it already took place – the RV is already in the system and some people are getting paid now from this RV and we are waiting for tomorrow, Wednesday or Thursday but I believe its going to be tomorrow and NOON Iraq on Tuesday he is supposed to make an announcement not sure what about but noon on Tuesday is the next scheduled announcement topic unknown…

CALLER - You get privilege through set of eyes we don't have. I know you can only share so much. I think that's where some of annoyance comes in. They only know what they are reading. Just yesterday article in forum saying IQD was scam. Challenges people as every week we go through this… I laughed as I listen to FOX news and see all the gold commercials… I just think that's where some of this breaks down, we don't have al the knowledge you have.

TONY STATES -  let me address that. I'm not frustrated. What I was trying to get across to you this morning. Look at information. Do research yourself. Look at article, put puzzle pieces together. Look at it all.. I'm looking at news articles coming out of Iraq, you have to put together. We are doing our best, you are right, it's confusing because there's some things we can't tell you… I can't go on or they get in trouble and then we have no information…peeps could get into trouble and we would loose those contacts.. Either you believe me or don't, have a little faith… I could see people's aggravation. They don't have same glasses I have.

TONY STATES -  not just that, you have to realize, six guys worked around White House, all different locations, we get information from all five of them will give different information. if you are talking to one guy, he may not know all four other pieces… We are talking to different levels of knowledge. Have some faith and understand but look at what's really happening in the world.

TONY STATES -  if this does not happen tomorrow- we are IN THE WEEK for real and I do believe it will be tomorrow….I see absolutely NOTHING stopping this from happening at all…..

CALLER States she is asking TONY who stated time to cash out is short –

DAN STATES – Let me answer that - as PTR MEMBERs what we found out is that we can LOCK IN THE RATE… not that anyone else can’t do that either – they may be able to cash out a portion – and wire rest later after you open proper accounts – you will need a letter showing where you purchase the dinar -  TONY STATES that is part of our the 10 items that you needed to have done the right way…. But caller does not have the money yet so TONY SUGGESTS to cash out ONE NOTE and get to an attorney and do this… GO ON TY’s Dinar Banker site and lock your rate and you will have 30 days to go get your money – and you can do that right from his site…

TONY STATES – He had a text – We think you will see it by tomorrow – all indications state its tomorrow nothing holding this up Friday it went live at THEIR LEVEL and none was traded between countries trillions transferred – appointments were made and special people were paid out and over the weekend… whoever they are – and they can do what they want – remember we can saw what the law says what we went to but the group of men who wrote this law can rewrite it when they want to help THEM not what we want to do and congressmen can use insider info and how can that be they pass the laws and they can do out and buy as much as they want and THEN change the law – its their prerogative – they will tell us afterward as they have done in the past about laws and dated it as they want it dated – we can’t make the rules we have to play by them – some folks will have advantages over us no matter how much we have – old money against new money and that’s a cause for no respect to us …

TONY GOT A TEXT – TIME FRAME or San Francisco is 15 days after this happens…. DAN STATE when the RV takes place is you are a member to PTR you are a member but if you are neither – soon as we get to that point  we will tell you more on that and do webinars on what to do before SF…. We will be doing immediately for members

TONY STATES - Expecting tomorrow really – I DO NOT seeing anything to stop it – Dan says this week and will see this all is positive positive and if not tomorrow

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