Dinar Recaps - Our Blog: Bluwolf

[bluwolf] Gm
[prstar51] bluwolf gm
[Ks_dad] bluwolf GM!
[robin_in_ks] bluwolf good morning
[alabamagal] bluwolf good morning .. hope all is well with you.
[niftyfifty] bluwolf Gm how are you today sir?
[michigander0131] so where is that elusive rv bluwolf
[bluwolf] Right now working never elusive ok
[michigander0131] is it still alive like you said yesterday
[bluwolf] I am ok waiting on a minute to minute basis
[bluwolf] Yes son nothing has changed all is well
[niftyfifty] bluwolf awesome..keep us posted please!!!
[hope44] bluwolf that sounds good sir! Thank you!
[bluwolf] As soon as we get the concrete information and only then I will inform you
[prstar51] bluwolf can I PM you?
[TamRon400] bluwolf Morning
[bluwolf] Well must get back be on your toes
[bluwolf] Pr im on the phone
[bluwolf] Tam hello
[prstar51] bluwolf hope you are hearing great news!
[nano36] bluwolf hello -
[bluwolf] Yes dear, this is not rumors nor news nor politics,, these are numbers and they do not lie, once they finish their cycle it will appear on all bank screens, be blessed and good day

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