It was stated on the CBI website that they charge a fee of 13 dinar for every 1170 sold which is roughly 1/1% of every USD or just over $.01 for every $1 USD old.
The CBI is hoarding IQD every time they have an auction of 13 IQD per 1170 or on a day of $194,000,000 USD sold or $227,000,000,000 IQD or $2.497,000,000 IQD goes to CBI.
$2 billion per day times x 200 auction days per year = $400 billion IQD per year !!!!!
This is the cost for all transactions to move through the CBI.
So how bad do you think the CBI wants the IQD to revalue ?????
Lets say it cost the CBI $300 billion IQD to operate each year they still made a 25% profit and have $100 billion IQD x 8 years just sitting there waiting for their pay day!!!
$800 billion IQD x $1, $2, $3 or even $4.
How loyal is Shabibi to his country if they give him a $250,000,000 IQD bonus before RV. At $4 he gets $1 billion USD and he also looks like a hero.
I don’t believe the CBI has been in any hurry as long as they can keep collecting IQD year after year.
Now at RV they will also charge a fee for all $5 trillion IQD that will be flowing back into them. 1% of $5 trillion IQD = $5o billion in and $50 billion out another $100 billion IQD.
This is a CASH COW for the CBI !!!![Surprise](