Dinar Recaps - Our Blog: Friday 1pm (ET) PTR CC Recording Link, Replay #'s and Call Notes

Dinar Recaps - Our Blog
Our Blog
Friday 1pm (ET) PTR CC Recording Link, Replay #'s and Call Notes
Dec 30th 2011, 19:43



760-569-7699 pin 181130#

85 Minutes

Call Notes by DebTarHeelGirl


DAN STATES this is DONE AND ABOUT TO BE ANNOUNCED before the first of January and it shows its about to be announced all over the world

TONY STATES - – today is our day is what the banking system says and yesterday they went as far to say after 5pm today   there Is a major announcement to happen NOT TODAY BUT TOMORROW – our target time for the RV is to be announced after 5pm and could come before this meeting/announcement

TONY STATES - ITS TRULY here folks -  TRILLIIONS of Dollars were transferred around the globe and folks know that –how did that happen>  Whether it’s in 30 mins in 24-48 hours its coming up – ITS OUR TURN….

TONY STATES - Anyway, if we don't see something today in the next 3 hours. I'm telling you banks went as far as having people bring their dinar to the banks. That's how close it is…

TONY STATES - RATE= it is to the GBP form several countries confirming this  you will LOVE THE NUBMERS and it is above $3.00 way above and you will see it soon…NOTE: some banks will give you 100% as soon as you cash in – some will not – one piece of info –DO NOT FORGET about the chees e- but there may be a time factor so if you can’t  get to the bank really really quick you want to go and lock in rate one of the exchange places and LOCK THIS IN – so if it’s a mind blowing rate LOCK THIS IN if you can’t get to the bank FAST…

TONY STATES - THERE IS NO STOPPING THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE – could delay but this has gotten so big it can’t be stopped…

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_ TONY STATES - THE TIME FRAME is crucial – LOCK IN YOUR RATES – its changed to change in a couple of weeks OR LESS – that is all I can say – again repeating what TONY said -If the plan itself is going change, its a time frame. Okay, that’s why I say you might want to lock in as soon as this happens. It was going be a couple of weeks, but has changed to less than a couple weeks. Format hasn't changed, just the time frame. Because the economy has changed...I think this is a great rate.....

TONY STATES - VND will be higher than normal rate too.

TONY STATES -  It won't be hard. Will see it live on CBI before we make the announcement to you guys.  Make your appoint and lock into your rate before the plan changes the rate.

TONY STATES - The big thing is, we know its going happen, and every time we get that much closer we know it’s going to happen. We are at the point where it has to end. This weekend, whether today, tomorrow, Monday morning. I think it’s going be today. Everyone was so hyped up yesterday. We went from a day to the next 5 hours. We were that close…

DAN STATES - For the last week we have been very positive about what is going on = its very positive NY TIMES and Washington post report serious news about the IMF stating good things about the Dinar..  We knew the IQD would revalue at some point since Bush – to help the monetary system through the Iraq oil – we are in the last phase – we see Gov and countries coming together to increase Iraq’s value – forget the bombs what’s new – most part the positive is this is coming to an end.  We are hearing behind the scenes this will be accomplished before the 1st of January – we are seeing sings of this not sure what is true but we see the signs of this – the world needed this to happen a year ago and GOV and IMF and agencies are pushing this through now stating this will be accomplished and saying the country is now sovereignty is in place, strongest currency is in place – and the articles and behind the scene info we believe this is DONE AND ABOUT TO BE ANNOUNCED before the first of January and it shows its about to be announced all over the world – for the last year I do nto pump NO one up – this is truly about to pop we are about to see it – that’s the focus of this call… we are so close its about to be announced – its so far now into the revaluation they cannot go backwards anymore… the Govs are admitting this even O has stated this – we now know this cannot go back – principles have to be done

TONY STATES – Dan you are absolutely right – everybody in public with statements out there says this is over with – We went through the back side this week regarding the articles…we have been chasing articles for 3,4 5 years and do you know how many articles are lies, reprints and  non reliable they do not post the whole picture – the info we get from all the agencies and contacts are NOT in the articles – DO NOT FORGET Iraq controls the articles – it will always do that if you read what you want out of it – I like to see all the good stuff and put it together and compare it to the bad stuff and compare – most times we know 2-3 days ahead what is coming out and it ends up being SMOKED over – like Maliki being under arrest – that is ridiculous – on the boards I put something in the last couple of hours – today is our day I what the banking system says and yesterday they went as far to say after 5pm today  and yesterday they had folks bring in their dinar to make a deposit yesterday as they KNEW this would be paying out – they had a group of folks there knowing the rate was to show up – they get the same info – its delayed to day and there is a meeting going on and there Is a major announcement to happen NOT TODAY BUT TOMORROW – our target time for the RV is to be announced after 5pm and could come before this meeting/announcment– ITS TRULY here folks -  TRILLIIONS of Dollars were transferred around the globe and folks know that –how did that happen>  Whether its in 30 mins in 24=48 hours its coming up – ITS OUR TURN….

DAN STATES when the trillions of dollars are transferred – they have money verifiers – from country A to Country B to Bank A to Bank B – there is a facilitator who directs that – its electronic digital transfer – its not a algorythem glitch –it’s a reason for the transfer – they have the ability to verify the funds to send from A to B and when its transferred the money verifiers says the money is not there it comes back cause its not there and this has been returned before this year – DAN ASKS GARY has this happened before – GARY STATES yes a credit was received and then debited again – that’s why you need to have a 2nd checking account to move it immediately when your wire hits it – so YES we have seen this this year – recently not with what is going on no… as those things are DONE AND LOCKED as the money was there…

DAN STATES - Lots of people that know what I'm talking about, but there's some pieces here that frustrate myself and others. We look at the boards and see these guys are just telling us what we want to hear… we get frustrated about this…They only remember the last 4-5 months. These guys that come in here and try to screw up our boards, Dan is this, Tony is that, they don't know us….Now that some of this money has been verified and large amounts of money have been verified, there is no return. You can't pull that back now. If it doesn't happen in 2 or 7 days, I'm not worried. Its been taken to the place we've all been waiting for. I believe no matter what ever happens, they have to move forward. Not going lose that money they've already said is good. If it doesn't happen in one day, two days, I am not worried. It can't be returned… they have to move forward. They are not going to lose the money that already started the process.

TONY STATES - There was 48 trillion dollars that went to one country that we know. Money went to individuals as well. They can't get that back. Once its there its there. There is some good information. Want everyone to have a good weekend, and a GREAT day, or a FANTASTIC day tomorrow… We came on the last call for MOU was form 12-31-11 and the RV would take place and we were not off the call 30 mins and one guy on the sites came on here that said that MOU was not right – HE ended up putting a DIFFERENT MOU on the site – the 2009 MOU was what we were referring to not the one from 6 months ago – so if you are not sure do not post this stuff   there are meetings and announcements being made TOMORROW and state of the union and you will be shocked about what you are going to see - Announcements going on tomorrow, things will happen in Jan that you will be totally shocked about.

Everyone was ready for this to take place yesterday – it has already happened with the transfers of the money around the word – turn on your own two eyes and see what is going on and nothing is going on about the global or EURO or nobody about anybody going down no countries in trouble – WHY?  Come to your own conclusion and if we do not see something  today – we were given a time to go live yesterday the banks tod folks to come ring your dinar in – even today it could happen   We were actually given a certain time for this to happen. It could happen today.

We were not off the call 30 minutes and this individual puts out all the wrong info MOU--we were talking about MOU of 2009 and he was talking about a recent one. I can't wait until this is over! You don't know what is going on the Iraq govt. Announcements to be made tomorrow, January too. I hope that idiot reads it. WE can't believe what we read from that country let alone our own. We know it has already happened. Just turn on your TV you will see nothing about the euro.... world currency...

Anyway, if we don't see something today in the next 3 hours. I'm telling you banks went as far as having people bring their dinar to the banks. That's how close it is… You're going to hear about a bunch of issues in Iraq. I can tell you this. There are NO issues. I can say that with confidence. Any minor issue yesterday is not today…I am telling you the reality of it all…there are no issues today as were yesterday.. believe what you want. Where my info came from...I know what I know.

Dan I've made a lot of negative banking comments before, this is kinda neutral. I can't verify 48 trillion, not saying it’s not true. Just because Tony & I don't debate each other doesn't mean we agree. Contacts I have just said lots of money. Don't know exact number. Doesn't mean I disagree…things I hear I might not agree but can't disagree cause I haven't seen it…I do know banks believe its taking place yesterday or today. Banks are speculators, just like us. They're hearing the news is so good. They want as many of you and me as they can get. That's why we said hold on and leverage your position. They need your money…They want your money in there more than you do...... Banks problems are going be solved by this movement of dollars. They need it more than us, believe it or not. There are banks hearing the info we are hearing and they are believing it to the point of telling you to bring your dinar in….Banks saying I've known you for a long time, want you to be first. Do they know? No, they are speculating, but they are to the point of telling you to bring the $ in as they KNOW we are that close to seeing this RV be alive…

DAN STATES –Lets get on here and just talk about the facts. I'm in a really good, positive mood cause I know this could happen today, before the end of the year. Watching what IMF, newspapers, banks, money moving. All these things say you're going see the end of this.  that this was to happen yesterday and they say today and now today if it does not happen by the end of this weekend IT WILL SHOW UP ANY TIME… I will not do Mondays call no different the confirmation is the same – this will show up and SO DO NOT LISTEN to ignorant folks on sites that are putting STUFF OUT…..I hear some of this stuff on the weekends and say dang it! Here comes this guy into the chat room, uneducated, talking to people, and you get confused. I don't blame you. 2 years of 24/7 and many people smarter than me lets me help you understand it. I hope we've come to the point where you can trust us a little bit…We're not going come back here and address these people that try to debate our calls. Just not that important.

TONY STATES – this is Dan having a good day even though he is dogging folks but its all ok = the information is still good folks –RATE= it is to the GBP form several countries confirming this  you will LOVE THE NUBMERS and it is above $3.00 way above and you will see it soon…NOTE: some banks will give you 100% as soon as you cash in – some will not – one piece of info –DO NOT FORGET about the chees e- but there may be a time factor so if you can’t  get to the bank really really quick you want to go and lock in rate one of the exchange places and LOCK THIS IN – so if it’s a mind blowing rate LOCK THIS IN if you can’t get to

DAN STATES - They're doing some funny things with this rate. It could come out stupid high and you might want to cash in and take the loss. I don't know why they would come out over the RI. Not hearing anything that makes sense. Could come out high and then go back down to the RV rate…When this goes live, we will be there on a webcast or some way to tell you guys what we're thinking. Like this is the rate, this is what we think. I will stick my neck out there and do that….when this goes live we will get on here and let you know what we think and what to do as suggestions

TONY STATES - We have to figure it out cause this is what I know. I've been trying to tell you guys to pay attention. If they have a plan and it doesn't work, they're going change the plan. Once it happens and we know its a, b, or c, not going be able to make a public announcement. Might be able to talk around it. I know...pay attention......"They" will change the plan if we make a public announcement.....we are not going to do this

CALLER  ASKS - Locking in the rate-please explain......

DAN STATES Lets do that during Q&A. There’s a couple things we've been told we can't talk about. We can hint and elude to, but we don't want to screw up. Don't want any knocks on our doors. We've been staying away from a lot until this call and have stepped out on a lot of that today.

CALLER ASKS - since we believe we are close...what is the worst case scenario?

TONY STATES – the only thing that could stop the RV is for something to happen to one of the leaders physically – I will tell you right now that with them and every member of their entourage as of 48 hours ago have been placed under increased security just for that reason to make sure it doesn’t happen to stop this….it would only delay it but it would be catastrophic to the global economy as this RV cannot be stopped now…

DAN STATES -  - They have to think about it as good leaders. They do know that all of a sudden the assassination of any of them could be catastrophic. We've watched some really serious things take place. Bases turned over, flags taken down, contractors starting jobs. All of a sudden we have things happening in the last two weeks of the year. Now some serous things happening.  THERE IS NOT STOPPING THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE – could delay but this has gotten so big it can’t be stopped…

TONY STATES – Tuesday and Wednesday this week every contractor was told to have their people ready to go on the 1st –why would they tell them that if they do not plan on doing this later? Would that make since to move these folks with contracts effective on the 1st – You guys are again getting info we shouldn't have. About the meeting, or what's going be announced tomorrow. We're still in a very good place.

CALLER ASKS - you had eluded to 3 plans. Since this has taken longer, is it modified better or worse for us. Can you let us in on anything??

TONY STATES – the plan will blow people away it has changed due to economies has changed – THE TIME FRAME is crucial – LOCK IN YOUR RATES – its changed to change in a couple of weeks OR LESS – that is all I can say – again repeating what TONY said -If the plan itself is going change, its a time frame. Okay, that’s why I say you might want to lock in as soon as this happens. It was going be a couple of weeks, but has changed to less than a couple weeks. Format hasn't changed, just the time frame. Because the economy has changed...I think this is a great rate.....

TONY STATES - VND will be higher than normal rate too.

CALLER ASKS -  meeting to take place tomorrow Can you tell us what that's about and where the announcement will be made.

TONY STATES - did I say something about a meeting? I'm waiting for Dan's answer. hahahaha – we do have some people there “our” people who are meeting with their people to get things finalized so you can have peace of mind Sunday Morning or Monday morning

DAN STATES - You guys are going know if its announced to the public. You've been around a while and watched a lot of these things. Won't have to ask too many questions when you see it. 

TONY STATES -  It won't be hard. Will see it live on CBI before we make the announcement to you guys. Regarding locking into a rate.....You will not be walking up to a counter...no....special room set up...15-30 minute process. Bank is not going to have a lot of time. Make your appoint and lock into your rate before the plan changes the rate. At least you will know that you got the rate you wanted. Dinar Banker will have it on line for you to set up your appoint. 5 million or more he comes to your area.  We'll have enough people on east coast cashed in that we'll know its real when we get confirmation from them. Go to CBI Heard it will be updated when it happens.

CALLER STATES – bank packages? on bank pkgs...is that still on the books to get the info pretty quick after RV?

TONY STATES - This is what we got to look at. Packages should be ready, have to download them somehow. You either have to wait for the packages to be received, downloaded, put on the board so you guys can get it or I can be at the bank. Have priorities hahaha  Hoping it happens at night so we can have the packages out by the next morning.

CALLER ASKS -with a lock in, is it all or nothing?

TONY STATES - No, when you go to do that you will tell them how much you want to cash in.

CALLER ASKS -how does re-evaluating the IQD help the global situation.

TONY STATES - If it doesn't happen over the weekend, what's the rationale for moving it another 60 or 90 days. Don't see how that would even be possible Whey would they move it that far away. No common sense.  Not even a possibility in my mind knowing what I know. Second thing, there will not be a world currency Never will work. Euro has shown everyone it won't work. One country mishandling their currency could bring down the whole world. It doesn't work.. We've been hearing about this, but we don't control the other countries, so I don't see this ever happening….China, Russia, Venezuela, again trying to be the base currency for the world in the next 5 years. They were trying to sway other countries b/c of our economic situation. I think this global reset puts us back to where we will always be….if everything is correct, our entire deficit could be wiped out If you guys remember the Clinton years, he had the benefit of the Kuwait reval. That's what's going happen with this . By the end of the year we should start seeing that, but still have to go thru the downturn…Our own govt is so dysfunctional its going to be hard to move the money and improve the economy us much as it should be

CALLER ASKS -  if tied to GBP is that why for our economy?

TONY STATES - we can cause an up or down anytime we want to by doing it this way.

TONY STATES - We did not comment on the board of things that were said to try to pick on any one person. Those two came to mind. Basically about the MOU. Those situations are what hurt people. The other one our facts vs articles that come out. Reprinted, re-dated, same issues over and over again . Same stuff we saw with Kuwait, China, everyone else.  News will be put out that the delay was due to physical dinar.....not true…All given as a stall tactic.... Ministers were seated back in Feb. Even though it wasn't made public. All of it has been a stall tactic to get us to where we needed to be. Had to get some bad people out there. A month ago or 2 months ago probably wouldn't have ever told you about the currency or the CBI. Even now, we know there's corruption all over the place. Just have to weed it out. Biz as usual….To try to change a culture in this amount of time and tell them they have to be accountable to the rest of the world, it’s hard. Not easy No one said it would be easy. That's just real life, that's how it happens. Sorry it didn't go and 5 yesterday or 6 a.m. this morning like it was scheduled too. That's just life, we have to deal with it… The big thing is, we know its going happen, and every time we get that much closer we know it’s going to happen. We are at the point where it has to end. This weekend, whether today, tomorrow, Monday morning. I think it’s going be today. Everyone was so hyped up yesterday. We went from a day to the next 5 hours. We were that close…Enjoy your day, its Friday, its a good day to get rich. Let's hope we do!

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